Breakfast For Dinner

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"Nina Zenik. You cannot eat in class, how many times do I have to tell you?" the teacher groaned as he ripped off a piece of paper. I took it as I slowly chewed the last bit of my granola bar. "Too many times to count?" I offered as I read the small pink slip. Detention in all caps spewed along the top. "Nina, this is the third time this week. I will not stand for it anymore."
 Mr. Smeet smoothed his hair back, he had a very big bald spot in the middle of his head.
"what can I say, a girls gotta eat"
 I walked back to my chair. Not embarrassed by being called to the front of the class again just to get in even more trouble, I was used to that by now. I sat down and tried to pay attention to Mr. Smeet as he continued his talk about the simple math in everyday things.
 Inej nudged my foot under the table, 'its okay' she mouthed.
 I nodded and smiled, she turned back to the front. Her foot still resting on top of mine. 
________________________________After class________________________________

"I hate carrots" Wylan pushed the tiny orange specks on his plate around.
"those don't even look like carrots Wylan" Jesper took his fork and grabbed one from Wylan's dish. He shoved the fork between my eyes, "does that look like a carrot to you?" 
"That looks like that thing growing in Inej's gym bag" I laughed.  A smile pricked at Inej's mouth, "my bag isn't that  bad."  Wylan pulled Jesper's hand out of my face, "it's rude to put food in peoples space Jesper." 
Jesper stuck his tongue out, "your no fun" Wylan waved his hand dismissively. 
"Where's Kazzy Wazzy and Matthias Beloved?" Jesper asked as he struggled to open his water bottle. "Well juniors get a later lunch then us, they should be coming soon though-"  Inej reached over and screwed off the cap easily. 
I sighed, I didn't feel like  going to sit in a stuffy room with a sleep deprived teacher later. I needed waffles and fast. Suddenly the best idea I've ever had dawned on me. 
"We should ditch today" I sat up a bit straighter, Jesper, Wylan, and Inej all looked at me.
"What?" Wylan asked, he sounded scared, to be honest he always sounded that way. "we should ditch" I stood up. "I am not  going to detention later, and we all need a break so lets go get waffles and see where the day takes us" I beamed, best idea ever. Jesper nodded "I am so in, lets go gaslight, gate keep, and girlboss the shit out of today!"  "Who are we gas lighting?" Matthias pulled out the bench and sat down his trey. "The day" Jesper pulled out a pair of pink Barbie sunglasses.  Matthias nodded, "sounds fun." "Fun is for little kids and birthday clowns. Can we please just eat in silence for once." Kaz put his food down none to gently. Always a ray of sunshine, "nope, and stop eating so we can go get waffles" I started putting stuff back into my bag. "They don't have waffles in the cafeteria Nina-" Matthias patted the seat next to him, my cue to sit back down. "They do at the Slat" I smiled a little, Kaz looked up at me.
 "Zenik are you suggesting we ditch?"
 "Yes she is. Now tell her its horribly dumb" Wylan chimed in. 
"OoOooO backbone, Wylan dear explain to me why you would want to stay in school?" Jesper wrapped an arm around Wylan's shoulders. Wylan, who was now a bright shade of pink quietly added "well, I don't want to get in trouble and I have band practice today- which I don't really want to miss"
  Inej nodded "he has a good point. We'll get in big trouble if we get caught." 
I groaned loudly "Guys, come on if we all put our mind to it we can figure out a way to not get caught." Matthias looked up at me, his blues eyes shone. A small strand of hair fell onto his face, "I'll go, if you do of coarse."
  "Can I get a simp check?" Jesper cupped his hands over his mouth.
 Inej smiled and nodded. "It would be fun-" I tucked a couple hairs behind my ear.
 "What about you Kazzle Dazzle"
 Kaz grimaced. "Do not call me that. Besides, I think ditching would be a terrible idea. Tempting? yes, but overall a dumb idea."
 "I say we do it" Inej stood up and grabbed my hand. I smiled as big as I could, "come on Kaz, now that Inej is coming there no way you won't come." He shot me a look, I'd be dead if they could kill.  "Fine. We can try. Try being the key word" I jumped up a little. "Wyyy pleasee come with us, it won't be the same without you" I walked over and tugged at Wylan's arm. He shook his head, "there is no way that I'm ditching. It's irresponsible" Jesper smirked and waved me away. I backed up a little bit, Jesper gently rested his chin on Wylan's shoulder  "Wylan Van Eck. I promise you that if you come, I'll make it worth your time." He winked at me as Wylan turned pink again. The boy started putting his books into his bag, "I'm coming because I want to make sure you guys don't do something stupid" 
"Yeah sure" I tried not to laugh "now hurry so we can go!" Jesper pulled his pink glasses back down and straightened Wylan's satchel.  Kaz and Inej silently talked in the back, I grabbed Matthias's hand and pulled him toward the exit. 
This was going to be the best day. 

 Heyy, so first things first thanks for readingg. I'm planning on updating once a day (probably won't happen but oh well)
Tell me what you think! Are the character properly represented? 
Also ik this is shit, I'm not a writer but I'm obsessed with these books so enjoy
again thx for reading


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