Movies and Notes

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Jesper didn't just like to mess with Wylan, he loved it. The flush of Wylan's cheeks when Jesper said something overly flirty, the way he would run his hand through his hair after a particularly over the top remark, and his laugh. Jesper fully believed that there wasn't a better sound then Wylan's laugh. Jesper wished he could soak in every single moment with the red haired boy, but he was always snapped back into reality before he could get to carried away.

"Jess are you even listening?" Nina waved a hand in front of his face.

"He might be sick" Matthias leaned over the table and put the back of his hand on Jespers forehead. "He feels a little clammy to me."

Jesper waved their hands away.
"I'm fine Mom and Dad. It's just cold and I didn't eat breakfast." He mumbled as he looked around the court yard for Wylan.
It was cold this morning, and Kaz insisted that they all come to school early to scope out the hallways.

"That can't be healthy" Nina pursed her lips, "I always eat before anything I do."

"He's just not as smart as you, red bird" Matthias put his arm over Nina's shoulders and kissed the top of her head.
Jesper watched them from the corner of his eye. They were sickening.

You wouldn't be thinking that if it was you and Wylan. Jesper thought to himself. He quickly pushed the thought out of his mind. It wasn't a good idea to think of such things. He knew it wouldn't happen, not with Wylan at least.
Wylan was a mercher's kid, meaning he was born into a rich family and he's going to die in a rich family. There's no room for someone like Jesper.
As if on cue the floppy haired merchling appeared in the courtyard, he had papers falling out of his bag and two brown sacks in his hands.
Jesper sat up a little straighter as Wylan sat down beside him, his thigh touching Jesper's leg. Wylan's hair shifted and fell onto his face as he grabbed something from his bag which he placed on the ground beside him.

"Hi guys!" Wylan finally said as he sat back up in a huff.

"Wylan Van Sunshine, darling, sweethart" Jesper summoned an extra big smile. "Did you bring chem notes?"

Wylan flushed a little but nodded, he slid the notebook he was grabbing over to Jesper.
"I already pulled it out. Oh and here" he put one of the brown sacks on the table.
"I figured you didn't eat breakfast, so I made you some"

Jesper really didn't know what to say.
"I'm in love with you" Jesper grabbed the paper bag and pulled the food out.
"A blueberry muffin, a banana, and a stale bag of Doritos. My favorite"

"Hey its food alright" Wylan laughed.

"Stop you two are so cute" Nina poked Jesper's arm. "Aren't they cute Matthias?"

"Adorable. So, when are you two actually gonna start dating?" Matthias blurted out.
Very smooth.

Jesper choked on a chip. "Phfft come on, we wouldn't date. Wy's probably straight anyways"

Any trace of a smile left Wylan's face.
"I'm not actually."

Jesper turned so fast he almost broke his neck. "Wait you were serious the other day? When we were studying?"

"The other day?" Nina smirked.

"You're horrible Jesper Fahey." Wylan slightly smiled again, it was more reluctant this time.

Jesper on the other hand was beaming. "Big win for the LGBTQ community if I do say so myself."

Wylan turned a very bright shade of red. "Oh yeah?"

"Yeah" Jesper added breathlessly.

"Well maybe we could-" Wylan never got to finish his sentence though, because Kaz had decided that this was the perfect time to show up and throw a coil of rope onto the table.
Wylan leaned away from Jesper, who didn't notice how close they actually were until the rope ruined everything.

"You're a monster." Jesper told Kaz as he stood up.

"One from your worst nightmare Fahey, now stop groaning and help me hide this thing somewhere."

They rolled the large rope up and started scanning the yard. Eventually Kaz decided that the best place was behind a large group of trash can's that never got moved.

"Inej is coming later, she had a church thing to do." Kaz told them.

Kids slowly started to pour into the large yard. Apparently Kaz didn't plan early enough, or maybe he did and no one knew. That was the thing with Kaz, he always knew stuff.

Kaz picked up Wylan's book bag and pulled out the stray papers and notebooks, he swiftly gathered them up and put them back like he did nothing at all.
Jesper, Nina, Matthias, and Wylan all stared at him, it was so un-Kaz like. It was almost nice.

"Why did you do that?" Nina finally asked, her cheeks red from the bitter cold.

"I did nothing out of the ordinary, his bag was bothering me that's all." Kaz looked down at his phone and grimaced.

"That was very nice Kaz, thank you." Wylan nodded, he knew not to say anything more then that.

Kaz just grunted and started typing furiously, his brow was creased.

"Inej sprained her hand, she won't be able to do anything for at least two weeks" Kaz slammed his phone on the table, not very gently.

"But how are we gonna do the thing with Rollins office? We need her to climb on the roof. You said we were doing it on Friday. That's in four days Brekker." Matthias growled, he looked angry.

"I'll figure something out."

"Brekker" Matthias sounded very angry.

"Nina calm your dog down. I'd hate to have to muzzle him." Kaz said calmly, looking Matthias straight in the eyes.

Nina stood up and grabbed Matthias's hand. "We have class in ten anyway, figure it out Kaz."
Matthias stood up and grabbed their bags, he glared at Kaz one last time before Nina jerked his arm a little to hard.

"I have class to actually." Jesper stood up, Wylan looked up at him.
Were his eye's always this pretty?
Jesper felt like he was staring a bit to much at Wylan so he started to quickly grab the trash off the table.

"Jesper. Don't get hurt or act stupid. We need you now more then ever. Since Inej is off, not because your actually useful of coarse. That goes for you to Wylan. Not the last part as much, but the first." Kaz told them both.

"That hurt." Jesper joked, it did though. He hated when Kaz said things like that.

Wylan patted Jesper shoulder and whispered "I don't think your that useless." Wylan smiled then walked down the hall to his first class.


Jesper never liked the classic school feel, educating kids in a mass environment was trouble waiting to happen. It was a breeding ground for bullies and twisted minds. For depression and just overall bad stuff.
Ketterdam high was a terrible school, in Jesper's opinion. The teachers are boring and its always cold and don't even get him started on the food.

"Mr. Fahey, if you could please give me a moment of your attention that would be great." Mr. Bo Yul Bayur droned out.

"Sir, if you don't mind. How much do they pay you? Because I think a great man like you would love the Bahama's. Get a nice spray tan, maybe a little beach fling? It'd be wonderful!"

A few kids snickered, Bo Yul Bayur looked unamused, he looked dead on the inside. Classic teacher.

"My pay is not your concern, now if you keep it up detention will be. As I was saying, the Cladosporium mold is very dangerous-"

Jesper decided that the best coarse of action would be to stare out the window and count the seconds until class was over.
His plan was going extraordinarily well, until a piece of crumbled paper hit him in the back of the head.

"What the?-" Jesper mumbled as he opened the paper. It was balled up with very messy and scrunched writing.

Want to go on a date? Saturday night, 8:30.
I'll pick you up?


Jesper read the note again, Dima was cute but Jesper didn't exactly want to go out on a date.

What would Wylan say if he knew about this?

Jesper felt his fingers tingle, he shouldn't be having these thoughts. Wylan was just a friend. Nothing more.

Jesper quickly wrote down an answer and threw it back. He watched as Dima opened it and blushed a deep red, Dima looked over at Jesper and mouthed 'see you soon'
Jesper just nodded and continued to look out the window.


Jesper slumber into a seat at the stone picnic table, the sun was high now and its warmth was greatly appreciated.

"You look tired" Wylan shoved Jesper's foot off the bench and sat down. So far they were the only two there.

"Long classes, brain hurt." Jes groaned.

"Can't be that bad" the short red haired boy smiled.

"Horrible, I want to go home but then again my dad want's to do movie night." Jesper sat up with a very exaggerated groan. "So sleep is not an option"

"Movie nights are fun, my dad would hate doing that" Wylan grabbed a notebook and started copying down some random stuff.

"They're fun, just tiring. You should come and see yourself."

Wylan looked up from the book. "yeah, that'd be fun" he smiled and started copying more stuff.

"Great, come over at six?" Jesper grabbed a pencil and started doodling on the corner of Wylan's paper.

Before Wylan could answer, Dima walked over and leaned on the table.

"I can't wait for Saturday, you looked so cute in class by the way." Dima smiled. Jesper noted that it wasn't as cute as Wylan's.
Jesper nodded,

"Thank's, and yeah, I'm excited to"

Dima touched Jesper's arm and walked away.

"What was that?" Wylan asked, clearly disgusted.

"A friend of mine"

"I've never met him."

"He's new I think"

Wylan made a noise and started writing more aggressively. Suddenly he got up.

"I have a library book that's overdue, I'll see you later."

Before Jesper could get a word out Wylan was gone, and Jesper was still there. Sitting on a cold bench feeling like a total idiot.

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