Chapter 5

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Almost two years passed since Lilly Lionheart became a rider. Diamond wasn't the tiny snow-white dragon she once was but has grown into a beautiful silver dragon with rainbow wings.

As she and her rider learned about her abilities it soon became known to them that Diamond want no ordinary dragon. Having the ability to use all elements and Lilly was surprised Diamond can purify dark creatures. 

The older she got the more she longed to know where she came from. She longed to know why the forbidden forest is the only home she has ever known. She longed for answers as to why everyone wanted her dead. 

She longed to know why the guardians mourned her death when she was still alive and she wanted to know who the rider was that took her away from the only family she had ever known. 

As Avalon's princess, she was their guardian but the words of the riders her own dragon's words were an echo to her mind. The scares of her battles were a reminder that she was alone and that she was on her own.

A cry in the distance made her open her eyes she focused on where the call came from. There in the sky was a group of guardian riders. Flying over the forbidden forest slowly looking for something but it wasn't the rider's presence that caught her attention but the attention of a dark creature. 

"Diamond let's go," Lilly shouted. "I love a good fight," Diamond said. Lilly could feel her dragon's excitement as she took off in the direction of the creature. She ran through the forest bare feet she drew her sword but stopped when she saw the little girl crying for help. 

Through her mind linked with her dragon, she felt her dragon coming in from the sky above. Getting ready to move the child she put her sword back. Focused on the child she ran with the purpose of moving the child. 

Diamond made contact with the creature pulling it into the sky before letting the dark creature drop. Lilly reached the child and told her to calm down. The forest runs that way, don't stop until you find a cave, stay there," Lilly shouted at the child. 

The child rushed into the forest and Lilly held her hand on her sword pulling it from her side she closed her eyes and shouted, "fire, burn through my enemy." 

Lilly and Diamond clashed with the dark creature. It was their most challenging opponent yet and there was no end in sight as the fight started. Anyone watching the fight wouldn't believe that it was actually happening. A guardian rider and dragon capable of using all the elements. 

Thunder could be heard from far as the fight worsened. Neither willing to give up no one wanted to believe that they were a loser. Finally Diamond flew higher up in the sky using all her power she opened her mouth Lilly knew what was coming. Diamond didn't have to tell her. 

She knew she needed to move using her power she tied the dark creature to the ground holding it in place. A dragon's cry came in the distance but Lilly was too focused on keeping the creature still in one place. Then Diamond came in from the dark sky above. Surprising the guardian dragons below her she opened her mouth and breathed her fire. 

Lilly rushed away freeing the creature. Taking cover in a nearby lake the heat from Diamond's flame could be felt by all that was near. Coming up from her hiding spot in the river Lilly got out and walked over to inspect the dark creature that was now nothing more than ash lying on a forest floor. 

"Nice one, Diamond," Lilly said. "Yes, no thanks to this stupid dragon that got in my way. I nearly burned him in the process," Diamond said. 

"Let's go then," Lilly told Diamond. 

"What about my new friend up here in the sky?" Diamond asked. 

"Let him do as he wishes, but that girl can't stay here it's too dangerous," Lilly said. 

Getting to the cave Lilly looked at the girl and asked, "who are you? and what are you doing here?" Lilly shouted. 

"I was travelling with my family when I was kidnapped by a group of bandits. They bought me to Avalon in order to make me into a slave. I escaped into the forest but now I am lost. Can you tell me how to get back to Caledonia?" the girl asked. 

"Now I get why there are guardian dragons up in the sky. They must be looking for you," Lilly replied. "Diamond let that dragon up there know the girl is saved. I'll bring her to the clearing," Lilly said. 

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Diamond asked. 

"Why what is wrong?" Lilly asked. 

"Well, Avalon and Caledonia's guardians just clashed I don't think she's getting back to her family with this fight going on," Diamond said. 

"Well then I suppose we should take her to the city gates ourselves," Lilly said. Diamond landed and watched her rider preparing for the trip to Caledonia when a new rider landed. 

"I didn't know there was a guardian dragon staying here?" he asked. "Well now you do know, hey little girl I think your ride is here," Lilly shouted. 

The girl came out and recognised her own brother instantly. "Big brother you came?" she shouted. 

"Hey, are you okay?" he asked. 

"Yes I am okay, a dark creature attacked me but she protected me," the girl pointed to Lilly. 

"Thank you, guardian," he said. 

"No problem, it's not saved here for her you should get her out of here before that fight gets any worse," Lilly said. 

"What about you? why are you staying here in this cave?" he asked. 

"Well this is all I know if you must know besides female dragon riders are not welcome in Avalon and Caledonia thinks I am a traitor so where do you suppose I should go if I am not allowed to stay here," Lilly asked. 

The prince's eyes grew wide and he stared at Lilly in shock. "Wait isn't your name Lilly Heart by any chance?" he asked. 

Lilly Lionheart. The Lost CrownWhere stories live. Discover now