nullifying the contract

422 7 18

This is essentially how shido and some other counter guardians cough "future what if's cough to cut the contract with alaya.

ITSUKA:alaya we want our contracts to be nullified

ROSE: yeah

TACHIBANA:we don't want to work with you anymore

EMIYA: we would like to get to our afterlife

MIDORIYA: I actually want to be reincarnated so I can still be a hero

Everyone face vaults when they hear that

MIKI:seriously I thought we were over the whole hero of justice thing

MIDORIYA: I said hero not hero of justice

HYOUDOU: smart-ass

TOKISAKI: can we please just concentrate on the task at hand

ARC & SUBARU:agreed

(Props to whoever knows which anime characters I am talking about)

Alaya:ok this is interesting I never thought my counter guardians would team up to take me on but I will not allow you to leave the counter force if you guys leave humanity would most likely fall

ITSUKA:we no longer want to to protect such a worthless species anymore because

HYOUDOU:they lie

MIKI:they cheat

ARC:they are arrogent

EMIYA:they betray

ITSUKA:they kill each other for the pettiest of reasons

ARC: they belittle others instead of helping them

ROSE:they are racist

MIDORIYA:they praise the "gifted" while they shun the "not gifted"

TACHIBANA:they blame you for something you had no control of

SUBARU:they have no redeeming qualities whatsoever

TOKISAKI:look at all they achieved mass genocide,global warming, mass animal extinction,pollution.
They are just a never ending parade of failures and fuck-ups

ALL: THEY CAN ALL DIE FOR ALL WE CARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As soon as they utter those words alaya begins her attack as they all dodge out of the way

ALL:projection start/trace on/initializing blueprint/Magecraft overdrive/activation.

They unleash their respective weapons as they charge at alaya(note not all of them uses Kanshou and Bakuya)

Alaya:give it up its impossible to defeat me

ROSE: true but we won't give up trying

TACHIBANA:yes that's right we will fight for our freedom HAAAAAAAA *crunch*

SUBARU:I swear we will get back our freedom no matter what.

As everyone is circling alaya and launching attack after attack at her they suddenly get back and form a group again


As they all unleash that attack catching alaya completely off guard

Alaya: I must admit I didn't see that coming but if you thin-


They all unleash a broken rule breaker at once striking alaya(more accurately striking the the contract between them and alaya)

Alaya:you fools do you have any idea what you've done?!?!!?!?!?!

ARC: we know what we did but we don't care

EMIYA:that is correct we don't care what happens to us

ITSUKA:that's right

MIKI:the whole hero of justice thing is no longer important to us

MIDORIYA:it's a wonderful and beautiful dream,but that's just it a dream nothing more nothing less

TOKISAKI:yes thanks to you alaya we woke up and if we somehow reincarnate then now we know not to follow such a dream and just do what we want to do

HYOUDOU:like spying on girls boobs

Everyone face vaults

HYOUDOU:I'm kidding,I'm not a pervert it was only a joke

ROSE: and I thought my sisters puns where terrible


Its only a joke

Alaya:you'll regret this *disappears*

As alaya disappears they all begin glowing.

(You can either choose to listen to the whole thing or in the preferred spot to start 3:25 )
EMIYA:well I guess this is were we part ways.
I guess we won't see each other again unless we make that stupid contract again

MIKI:I will launch Caladbolg up someone's ass if they offer me a contract.

MIDORIYA:I also won't make the same mistake instead of whining like a little bitch this time I will work hard to surpass my limits and go beyond


TOKISAKI:I swear that never stops being cringy

ITSUKA:so what happens next do we move on to the afterlife,reincarnate,or do our time lines reset or something

HYOUDOU:it's most likely resets but the question is do we keep our memories?

SUBARU:I hope we keep our memories so that we don't make that contract again or else we have to this shit all over again

EMIYA:agreed but in if it's any consolation I will miss you guys

MIKI:same here

HYOUDOU:if we ever meet again let's go out on a great adventure or something

ROSE:that's sounds like fun


SUBARU:also if we do keep our memories are we going to rub it into our bullies or non-believers faces

All:most definitely

ITSUKA:but the question is which one of us will cook.

All:I will

They soon look at each other and begin to bickering until they stop and just laugh

TOKISAKI(tearing up):meeting you guys was the best thing ever

ROSE:yes but before we fully disappear group hug

They soon hug as the light fully envelopes them and fade away

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