team mates

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Unlike shirou emiya shido and kurumi did make friends and team mates along the way and were subsequently and accidentally recruited by them to fight in the name of justice.

Ai Yamabuki

Backstory Ai after completing highschool and 2 years of college,she went of to the military where she was deployed along with her team to investigate abnormal irregularities that where reported in(insert name here) where she stumbled upon her old ...

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Ai after completing highschool and 2 years of college,she went of to the military where she was deployed along with her team to investigate abnormal irregularities that where reported in(insert name here) where she stumbled upon her old classmate shido itsuka.
After having a reunion and learning what he did
she then told them how she was inspired by him a bit to fight injustice and to help people.
After this shido offered her a chance to unlock her magic circuits if she wanted to join him which she said yes

Origin :swordsmen
Circuits:48 normal+
Output:1025 units
Her "hero" outfit

Element:fire,wind,earthOrigin :swordsmen Circuits:48 normal+Output:1025 units Her "hero" outfit

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(She wears this but pretend excalibur morgan is on fire)

Nia honjou

Back story
Nia was having writer's block after she finished her silver bullet manga
since she couldn't come up with new ideas she turned to the internet and news for inspiration where she read about mysterious do gooders that where in (insert name here) but couldn't find anything else so she decided to track them down in order to get a better understanding of them so she could use the new ideas in a new manga

When she eventually found shido and ai she got a bunch of idea's to use but then her mind immediately exploded when she saw them use "magic" which she later learned was Magecraft

She immediately wanted to learn how to do it which shido open her magic circuits and taught her how to use them

Unlike the standard magus that keeps away from technolog,nias Origin allows her to use a combination of both technology and Magecraft.
Her creations include shock gauntlets,a 6-wheeled super truck with trailer that has pretty much a small army,a battle suit,a cybernetic eye that has a super computer inside that works out complicated calculations and can use it to control most of her stuff,hack terminals,military bases and mess with the pentagon just because she was bored,and multiple humaniniod robot/golem that uses specialized strong fiber tissue to emulate human muscles which removes the weaknesses of the golem slow and boxy movements.

While not possessing the same strength of a golem there speed and agility more than makes up for it .

She ended up joining them in the end and published manga detailing there adventures with added tweaks

Later in life she connected her magic circuits to a cat she named Neopolitain just because she was curious of what would happened.

Circuits:39 normal

(She modeled her outfit similar to fatima her character from silver bullet

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(She modeled her outfit similar to fatima her character from silver bullet.
But kinda like hajime she can electricly charge the bullets with lighting)

Race:cat yokai

(Replace the black with pink yellowishorange with brown)Neo Ascended after 26 years which was more then 8 years than any cat she accended not only due to her age but because of the magical energy she received from nia (This is actually sorta true ...

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(Replace the black with pink yellowishorange with brown)
Neo Ascended after 26 years which was more then 8 years than any cat she accended not only due to her age but because of the magical energy she received from nia
(This is actually sorta true in Japanese folk lore because nekomata are born after a long life and certain age)
But unlike the regular nekomata she is a variant a nekoshou
She is friendly but incredibly sassy and for some unknown reason has a British accent

(Replace the black with pink yellowishorange with brown)Neo Ascended after 26 years which was more then 8 years than any cat she accended not only due to her age but because of the magical energy she received from nia (This is actually sorta true ...

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(She has two tails one is pink and one is brown)

Element:,water,wind,light(high affinity) fire,earth,shadow(minor affinity)
Origin:sage arts
Circuits;none(would it be none?)
Magic core:average ++

Kazamachi yamai

When she was about to save the child from being hit by a truck kurumi saved him before kazamachi could
Afterwards she begged kurumi to teach her and show her how to be a hero which kurumi reluctantly agreed to after the 50th time

Backstory When she was about to save the child from being hit by a truck kurumi saved him before kazamachi could Afterwards she begged kurumi to teach her and show her how to be a hero which kurumi reluctantly agreed to after the 50th time

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Element (high affinity)wind(minor affinity) lightning

These characters will show up during th.............................

End of chapter

counter guardian ITSUKA Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora