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One month later.

"Aubrey Marie Hemmings, 4.0 GPA."

All five of us school, yelling as loud as we could to her.

She did it.

She graduated with a perfect GPA.

After the ceremony, we fill sprinted to her, Calum getting to her first, immediately lifting her and spinning with her.

We all took family pictures, we got a few of just her and Nick and then separate pictures with everyone.

Soon her and Bailey were taking pictures, it now being more than obvious to us that they were in a relationship, but we didn't mind.

He was an actual good kid, although I hate to admit it.

"New York bound! One month away!" Baileys mom cheered happily, making me smile to her.

I suddenly saw a gorgeous lady run up, tackling both Aubrey and Bailey into a hug, kissing Bailey's cheek.

"Gosh- my babies, I'm so proud of you two." She smiled, immediately taking pictures with them, making me more than aware that Aubrey had met her several times.

"Oh sorry" Aubrey smiled once she noticed all of us just standing and watching them.

"Sierra, this is my adoptive dad Luke and these are my uncles, Calum, Michael and Ashton, guys- meet Sierra."

Her and I shook hands slowly, her smile almost making me week at the knees but I played it off well

"Nice to meet you, Sierra" I smiled to her.

"Nice to meet you finally, I've heard so much good detail, Doctor."

Oh God.

One month later.

"If you guys are going to suck face, at least do it in privacy and stop acting like you're helping." Bailey rolled his eyes at Luke and Sierra, who had almost fallen head over heels for each other in a very short amount of time.

Bailey kissed my head gently as he watched me finish packing my bathroom supplies, bringing them downstairs to the car.

The guys, Sierra and Baileys mom were driving all of our stuff to New York and they were thankfully letting Nick, Bailey and I fly.

They were telling us that they were doing this "so we could get accumulated to everything without them there" but I really think they just want me and Nick to have alone time together.

But I was also fine with it.

"Okay- is everything in the car?" Luke asked, taking one finally box out of my room.

"Yeah" I smiled to him, seeing him take everything downstairs, myself following behind closely.

We all have goodbye hugs, knowing we would see them in about two days anyway, and they left us.

"Okay so we have to wake up at like five am for our flight so we should probably have dinner and start getting ready soon-" "do you care if we do one thing before we go?"

He drove Nick and I to our old house, which still appeared empty, making me wonder why my uncle never sold it.

So, I made Bailey hold Nick and I quite literally broke into the house that I called home for so many months.

As we walked around the dusty, cold and empty house, which I could never even remember having electricity or hot water, I told Bailey stories.

I let Nick run around, helping with stories about how we would play hide and seek, how we would eat the bare minimum, and then the story about the day I ran with him all the way to the hospital, meeting the guys and watching him instantly fall in love.

Bailey put his arm around me, pulling me closer to him as I smiled to the walls, which were never kind to me.

"Time to move onto bigger things." I smiled, feeling Bailey gently kiss me, making me smile.

"Let's continue to show the world how you defy the fucked up odds."

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