The Evil Spirit that Haunts Me

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I felt like a zombie as I walked back home. The lord is testing me- I laughed at how pathetic I felt, and Ren gave me a worried look as if I was crazy, well I don't blame him. I indeed felt like I was going crazy. And take a fucking wild guess who was responsible for this situation- that jackass SUHO!

I wouldn't be surprised even if someone told me he was a spirit, his presence gave me chills- he soaked up all my energy and happiness, and still, he pretended as if he wasn't even there. It was just his first day in the school but he already looked like he was willing to be a loner- someone who was choosing to be alone.

I couldn't even count how many snacks fell from his locker when he opened it. It always surprises me the kind of supernatural stalking skills people have, I mean how even they figured out which locker belonged to him this quick?

But well as soon we exited class he vanished, when I say vanished I mean it. Nobody saw him leave the main gate- I know cause there were a bunch of girls and guys standing at the gate waiting for him to come. I know they were there for him as I couldn't help but listen to them whisper about how goodlooking the newbie of class 12 C is.

I am not bothered by him getting all this attention at all. I get confessed to every other day- him being here is going to do nothing to my popularity. Even today Rose was there waiting for me at the school gate, and I guess she is the reason no one is trying to get around me so much nowadays, you see she is said to be the prettiest girl in our school, and I wouldn't deny the fact. She has a small beautiful face, with sparkling light brown eyes, her nose is cute like Nat's, she is neither short nor tall, and her perfect straight brown hair that she ties behind differently every day just feel classy.

There is nothing I have to be jealous of. Me and jealous of that loser? Never!

I don't deserve this, I don't deserve to be in this foul mood because of someone like him. " Yah! Do you guys wanna go get a coffee?" I asked as it was the quickest way to lighten up my mood. "Your treat?" Ren asked without skipping a beat, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes before nodding, followed by Nat's quick YEYYEE!!


"Ah! Weren't they hiring help? Maybe they got someone new. I hope he is not like the part-timer before." Nat shook his head seeing the "PART TIMER WANTED." flyer was taken down from the window. This cafe was our to-go cafe- we were more frequent here than at school, and the incident with the last part-timer- well he caused a huge ruckus in the cafe and was arrested for smashing the cups on a customer, the world is indeed filled with scary people ain't it?

I sighed remembering what a nightmare that incident was as I joined the queue to place an order with Nat, and Ren went to reserve a good spot for us.

"Two iced americanos and a Mocha with cheesecake please." I said fidgeting with my bag to take out cash. " You need to get a hold of your sugar intake seriously!" Nat commented sighing to which I grinned at him, just when he beamed noticing something, confused I turned my head back to the person at the counter.



He was wearing his black baseball cap again, instead of his uniform he wore a blue cafe tee which was the staff uniform, the mask wasn't there making his face shine in full glory.

"That would be 650." He stated his voice deep and without any sign of recognition, I am not losing to you- NO WAY!

"Add extra whipped cream in Mocha, make it so sweet that it makes me forget the bother you have caused me by existing."I said slamming 700 on the counter.

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