°Chapter 7: A Strange Development

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He mated with her. They are now one. Fully mated, and he felt complete now. Pearl was all his, and no one else can have her.

"Jace you need to be more careful," the pack doctor said.

"I know," but he had hurt Pearl. But it was an accident. She understood.

"I'm fine," Pearl said. "Where's my father?"

"He had to tend to some work," the doctor said as he left.

"Okay," she yawned.

"Get some rest," Jace said. "You need it." She nodded closing her eyes.

He went out, closing the door. Sighing, Jace went downstairs. Zach was in the living room with the twins.

"Hey," Jace sat down.

"Uncle Jace!" The twins immediately ran to him and jumped him. "Daddy said your our uncle. Our uncle, Jace, is it true?" He looked over at Zach. He shrugged.

"I suppose so," he said. They giggled and kissed his cheeks. Then they ran off. "Telling everyone I see."

"No," he said. "They heard Eleanor and me, talking about it."

"Ah," he sighed.

"How's Pearl?" He asked.

"She's doing alright, she's sleeping right now," Jace laid down on the couch. "She shifted back, just as I was about to finish with her."

"She couldn't handle it?" Zach said.

"I'm not sure," he groaned. "Doctor said it must be a normal thing. But to be safe, they'll take some samples of her blood."

"Well I hope all is good," Zach threw something at him. He caught it. A phone. "My mother called me. And send me some pictures of everyone. Look at them." He turns it on and clicks around finding them. Jace went through them. He stopped at one with her parents and a little girl. Who looks just like him? His little sister. She was smiling holding a plastics phone. "I know you said you're not ready to talk to them or tell anyone that you're alive. Since the day Ellie told us, your mother been praying its true. Now that I found you I intend to take you back home to her."

"Well it will be screaming and kicking," Jace said handing him the phone back.

"Than if I have to do that than I will," Zach said. Jace chuckled. "This is the Jace I wanted to see. I knew you were somewhere under all that ghetto." He smiled sitting up.

"I change Zach; maybe the old Jace came come out," he said. "But I've changed."

"I can tell," Zach smiled. "I'm glad you're alive. Our little group is in tack at last."

"Yup," Jace sighed. "So, Ellie, your right. I have to face her first before I could move on to the next step."

"Okay, I could contact her and bring her here," he said. "Though her mate is a bit, overprotective."

"I see," he tapped the table. "Than bring Ellie here. She has a daughter right?"

"She goes everywhere her mother goes to," Zach said. "Along with her stepfather. But that won't be a problem for you, right?"

"Nah, bring them," Jace said. "It's time to face my past."

"You," he threw a pillow at him.

Jace sat there staring at the TV. He'll be facing Ellie soon. She's the first step.

"Well I'll head to bed," Zach stood up. "I'll contact Ellie in the morning." He nodded."Goodnight."

"Night," Jace said.

○Returning Home○(Book#6)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora