Pulling All the Strings

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Carmine Giordano

It had been less that 12 hours since Eden left and I hate to say it but I miss her. We go much longer without speaking or seeing each other at times but I always know where she is. She's always close and a call away from breakfast, lunch or dinner. Even when I'm away I don't miss her this much, I know she's there when I come home. I paced the floor of my kitchen all afternoon, I made breakfast and ate it while pacing. She didn't seem all that upset when she left but I'm sure after the shock of everything wore off she was distraught. I just told her I have to kill her brother pretty much. We both know he doesn't have the money and we both know this is business. It just had to be him.

My phone rang again for, I can't even count the number of times, and I dropped it on the counter after putting it on speaker.

"Carmine. I need a favour."
"Anything for my little garden fairy. I didn't even know you knew my personal number." Perhaps if I miss her enough I can will her to me. I should try this more often.

"It's messy Carmine. I think-, Michael fucked everything up more than I thought possible." Her voice wavered in a way I've never heard before. I've heard it all I thought. The sweet sound of laughter, her playful tone when she is sarcastic and in a good mood and the fire breathing dragon of the woman I adore. This- this panic and worry though, I hate it.

"What do you need Eden, I got it."

"I need a flight for two to Kosovo." Nothing and I mean nothing in my life has ever made my stomach sink so fast. Kosovo is the last resort, the last option. It's a safe house. "I'm sorry Carmine. I know what you have to do but I think I'm in trouble. Michael made a deal with the Irish Mob. They are expecting a meeting with me and in return they pay off his debt."

"I'm meeting you in Kosovo. The plane is on the airstrip, I'll send people to get you two." I cannot show my panic, not when she's panicking. I will be strong for her when she needs. Which means I need to be me. "Were you really sure when you said you didn't want me to be in love with you?"

"Right now, I could use a mafia book boyfriend. I'll see you soon."

I have no clue what that means. At least the first time she gave me a straight answer. I will dwell on this later. I called Neo to pick me up and arrange for flights to take off. She'll be there much later than me so I have a bit of time to make some stops. The first one being her apartment to get that kindle she reads on. If she needs a mafia book boyfriend I will find out what that means and hopefully become that.

In no time I was seated on the plane, my bag and and an extra bag of Eden's clothes stuffed in the overhead compartment. Her kindle sat in my hands and after some careful reading I finally found a book mafia related. I have about an hour and a bit to kill so hopefully I can find something useful. I set off on the first page.

Appalled, shocked, intrigued and slightly turned on. About a third of the way through this book and I cannot believe my little garden fairy reads this. The amount of sex and murder is astounding. If there isn't senseless killing it is an exceptionally detailed account of sex. I don't know if this is exactly what Eden meant but if she wants to have sex with me she should have told me. I can definitely be the mafia book boyfriend she wants, I'll even do all the crazy things like tattoo her name over my heart and kidnap her to some weird sex dungeon.

"We have opened the doors Mr. Giordano." I slammed the case shut. I definitely can't have someone catch me reading this stuff. I didn't even feel the landing.

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