The Godfather

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Carmine Giordano

Things have been weird, a weird I haven't experienced yet. Eden is quiet. She still locks herself away at work but she hadn't been a fire breathing dragon and she's been looking worse every time I drag her to lunch. She told me we were putting our Arthur problem on hold till at least mid November, she had work that took precedence over her own situation. Commendable but I'm growing irritated with her change in demeanour. I want my Eden back and I know Arthur is the cause of all these problems. But tonight it our Halloween party and I'm on a mission to make it a good time for her.

I smoothed out the lapels of my wide pin stripped suit, the suspenders underneath were just visible by the way I leaned against the bar top and with Neo and Aldo smoking a cigar next to me, waiting for Enzo to arrive, our group costume already looked good. I hope Eden smiles just as she always does when she sees it.

"How was London?"

"Awful, I hate it there." I really do. I hope we don't have to go back. Actually, we don't, I'm the Don. If I want to solve something it will be brought to me, I don't chase down petty men.

"How was it being stuck with Eden in the hotel?"

"I don't kiss and tell Aldo."

"But you finally kissed her no?" I have done very little to hide my infatuation with Eden. I'm sure it's apparent to everyone and it's probably for the best. I can't have anyone getting the idea that Eden is available. She might not be mine but at least people are aware she can't be theirs.

"Gentleman shouldn't share what goes on between them and a lady. What would your wife think Aldo?" Eden peaked out from behind him, Neo bit back a smile, turning away from her and taking a sip of his drink. I kicked Aldo, forcing him to step out of the way so I could see her costume.

She never disappoints. A tight little green dress decorated in a soft layer of mesh embroidered with flowers covered all the delicious parts of her body but left ample for me to touch. Between her hair, little pointed ears poked out and small flowers were stuck between the strands. My little garden fairy.

"My little garden fairy comes to life." She did a little twirl. The wings clasped to her back fluttered at the action, her hair swishing and wafting the sweet smell of cherries and sandal wood towards me. I'm obsessed. I beckoned her closer.

"The dragon would have been to hard to pull off." Each step she took towards me felt like a tease but once she was arms length away I pulled her forward. Her hands braced against my chest. There was no role of her eyes or accusatory smile at the action. Instead she leaned in, bashfully smiling up at me. I'll remember this moment for the rest of my life. Eden giving into my touch, pushing herself closer to me as if she yearns for the feeling just as I do. "I see you've decided on the Godfather again."

Her hands gripped the lapels of my suit, tugging on them before moving inside the jacket to pull on the suspenders. I adjust our position so she is leaned against the bar, her back arching slightly so she can accommodate me leaning over her. I call the bartender over. Pushing even further into her under the guise of ordering over the chatter in the room but in reality I take a short sniff of her hair.

"Martini on the rocks with 2 olives."

"Happy to be home Eden?" Aldo leans again the bar, his eyes light. Up to no good.

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