Meet and Greet

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Carmine Giordano

We've been in London for 3 days and finally Michael managed to set up a meeting. Sunny was practically nonexistent in the world but finally he popped up again. In the 3 days we've been here it seemed like Eden was deteriorating, physically and mentally. The healthy tan she gained in Italy faded almost instantly and the shadows under her eyes only seemed to worsen. Michael crawled back to whatever hole he lived in while I kept Eden with me. She's been glued to work the entire time, certainly not sleeping or eating regularly. I haven't found the time to ask her about the professor, I'm not even sure I should. Whatever happened between them, I don't know if I want to know more.

I don't fear Eden but I can't say I'm not a little irked. Michael will talk his way out of anything like the snake he is, but if his words have any truth then Eden is much more than I know. The worst part is, it makes her even more perfect for my life. Years of flirty banter from me and attention haven't cracked whatever cage her heart is in but it has certainly opened mine. Now being stuck to her side, seeing something other than work Eden has me falling off the cliff to insanity. Whatever crazy that lives in her mind is drawing me in and not letting me go. I just need to figure out how to coax it to the surface.

"Eden! Where are you, we need to leave!"
"I'm here." The cooler temperatures had started to set in and they had both of us bundled up when the sun went down. Eden wore a sleek black pant suit with a lovely red blouse that cut low at her chest. I want to lick her. The only thing missing is the look of life.

"We can figure something else out. I hope things go well but I'm prepared if they don't, are you?"

"This is work, the one thing I do well."
"You do many, many things well."
"I'm surprised I'm not fighting off harassment lawsuits."
"You wound me, thinking there is anyone but you."
"I think you want to be in love with me." The little on going joke between us was becoming too much. I marched forward, my hands resting on the back of her jacket to bring her towards me. I dipped my head down to her shoulder, nudging the fabric with my nose and taking in the familiar smell of her perfume.

"Who's to say I'm not already."
"You love me because I wash millions of dollars a month and make you even more."
"Maybe I love you because you make me fucking insane." Eden looked just as intrigued with me as I am her at the moment. Her pupils dilated and her hands wandered underneath the front of my coat.

"You're already insane Carmine. Let's go to work." If only I could have the same restraint this woman has. I peeled my body off her, letting my hands drag along for as long as possible. Maybe she's not as much a fairy and she is a nymph. Certainly more fitting because she makes me feel like a nymphomaniac.

Eden had agreed to meet wherever sSunny had set up. Thankfully we wouldn't be venturing back into the dingy part of town. The restaurant we pulled up to looked upscale and classy, perfectly fitting for Eden. I stayed in the car while she went in. I would wait in the car where she would bring them after business.

I passed the time making calls and answering whatever email that was most pressing. Knowing Eden's dinner would be quick and she'd be adamant she sees the work she is agreeing to do. Bloody fools would fall for it instantly. Through the tinted windows of the town car I saw her exit with 3 men. She shook hands with one at the doors, her parting words unheard by me. I slipped my phone into my pocket and readied myself.

"Thank you for coming with me. I didn't realize you had arrange for us to get there and I already had the driver waiting for me."

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