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I was walking back home when these guys came up to me
Guy1: yo I heard your Jacobs new bitch
Y/n: I'm not his bitch
Guy2: either way he cares about you and we can ruin that
Y/n: look I don't want to get into this mess
One of guys grabbed my wrist, and that's when these other group of guys all came up to us they were all wearing black and white bandannas, when the two guys saw them they ran away
Ricardo: I'm Ricardo, but call me Ricky I don't know if you remember me
Y/n: I don't
Ricardo: well Dani would bring you over to play with Jacob when you guys were like two years old
Y/n: your Jacobs dad?
Ricardo: that's right
Y/n: and you knew my brother
Ricardo: and your mama
Y/n: and did they also know Dani
Ricardo: that's right, I didn't get to protect your brother the way I wanted to protect him but I'll protect you
It felt good that all these guys had some type of respect for my brother
Ricardo: if anyone disrespects you just come to anyone here
I met all of the guys
Y/n: where is Jacob
Ricardo: come on
I felt comfortable knowing that these guys knew Daniel, they took my to the end of a street to this beat up old house. I saw Jacob sitting on a beat up couch talking to a girl.
Ricky: that's his girlfriend
Y/n: oh
He had his arm around her, I walked up to them
Y/n: hey
Jacob: sup
I looked around just analyzing the place
Jacob: do you like where I live
Y/n: am I supposed to lie or
Jacob: nah I'm kidding we just hang here, like there is furniture in the house and sometimes some of us pass out there but nobody actually lives here
Y/n: oh
Jacob: do you want a beer
Y/n: no
???: hi I'm Layla
Y/n: hi I'm y/n
Jacob: why are you here
Y/n: oh well these two guys weren't leaving me alone and we'll your dad helped me out
Jacob: oh really?
I can tell Layla was upset, so I just
Y/n: hey I'll leave
Jacob: no actually I need to show you something
His dad came up
Ricardo: yea go show her
Layla: can I come?
Ricardo: no this is just for her to see or people involved
She looked at Jacob
Jacob: sorry Lay
He took me inside and took me to a room where I see a picture of Dani and some of his belongings, there were floweres and candles. The one thing that caught my attention was the bandanna
Y/n: is that actually his
Jacob: no
Dani always had that bandanna he loved it.
Y/n: oh
Jacob: come with me to my actual home
I followed him outside and we walked up to his dad
Ricardo: what do you think
I smiled
Y/n: it's amazing
Jacob: she mentioned the bandanna
Ricardo: oh yeah it's not his but take her to the house
Jacob: yeah I was going to that
Ricardo: watch out, we only have a few homies out watching the streets
Jacob: I know
Jacob showed me the way to his car and opened the door for me
Y/n: thanks
Jacob: yeah
He got in the car
Jacob: okay
He checks behind my seat
Jacob: let's go
Y/n: what were you looking for
Jacob: protection
Y/n: oh
Jacob started driving
Jacob: so my dad told me that apparently we've met before
Y/n: yeah apparently
Jacob: when we were kids
Y/n: do you remember?
Jacob: no
Y/n: same
Jacob: apparently I had a crush on you
I giggled
Jacob: damn
Y/n: I'm sorry,
Jacob: you don't remember a bit of at least coming over
Y/n: no
Jacob: maybe when we get to my house
Y/n: okay maybe, don't get your hopes up
Jacob: I'm not I never do
Y/n: that's seems boring
Jacob: I just don't expect much, cause if I do
Y/n: it ruins your mood
I said finishing his sentence and smiling at him
Jacob: you have a nice smile
Y/n: thanks Jacob
Jacobs phone rang
Jacob: oh we have to make a stop
Y/n: that's fine
Jacob: yeah sorry
He drove for two minutes and we stopped at a neighborhood
He looked behind my seat and took out a bag, then a guy with a bandanna walked up to the car
Jacob: that raf short for Rafael
Jacob said rolling down the window on my door
Raf: Jday got a new girl WHAT!
He said joking around
Jacob: that's y/n you might remember her as Dani's sister
Raf: oh shit, you've grown so much
Y/n: yeah?
Raf: yeah
He looks at Jacob
Raf: has she seen Gabe
Jacob: not yet
Raf: she should
Jacob: she will
Y/n: she?
Raf: later
Jacob started to drive away
Y/n: Jday
Jacob: Jacob day Jday, I just didn't want them calling me Jake
Y/n: oh I like the name Jake
Jacob: you can call me it but not them he'll no
Y/n: yo why did your girl look upset earlier
Jacob: my dad doesn't really like her
Y/n: damn
Jacob: she was upset that he was talking to you
Y/n: well what matters is that you like her right? She's with you for you
Jacob: nah imma break up with her
Y/n: why
Jacob: she is the best friend of the girl that bothers you
Y/n: is that my fault
Jacob: yeah some what but not in a bad way
Y/n: I'm thinking it in a bad way
Jacob: don't
We drove for a few more minutes
Jacob: here
I looked and it was a huge house with two gates
Y/n: damn Jacob
Jacob: yeah, not everyone knows it's my house
Y/n: how many people
Jacob: just some of the gang members
Y/n: why do I get to know
Jacob: because I trust you
Y/n: not because I'm Dani's sister?
Jacob: no, y/n I just believe that you wouldn't tell our secrets to other people
Y/n: how do you know that
Jacob: everyone at school has literally opened theirs mouths every time they saw one of the young gang members holding a cigarette
Y/n: oh wow
Jacob: you got suspended and you had a bag of weed, you could of told on us
I stayed silent we walked in his house and he took me to a room it was filled with things and it looked like a normal room, it had pictures of Dani and a bandanna was on the bed
Jacob: that his actual bandanna
I stayed silent I walked into it
Jacob: everything here is his
I walked up to the bed and grabbed his bandanna
I started to tear up
Y/n: how did you get his belongings
Jacob: we were there when Dani was killed I was a young teenager
Y/n: yeah I was like 13
Jacob: yeah
Y/n: but some these thing he didn't even have at home
Jacob: when your brother wouldn't come home, he would stay here this was his room. My dad told me that Dani and him would always talk about moving in together and Dani would talk about you moving here too.
Y/n: yeah Dani always wanted to take me everywhere but growing up my mom wouldn't let him
Jacob: yeah your room would be upstairs next to mine
Y/n: wow
Jacob: but come I need to show you something else
He took me to a different room not far from Dani's room
Jacob knocked at the door
???:come in
Jacob opened the door and let me walk in first, there was a guy sitting on a chair rolling up a blunt.
???: Jday got a girl and she's here?
Jacob: that's y/n
The guy looked shocked at me, and hugged me
Y/n: I recognize you
???: damn four years ago you were just a kid
Y/n: I need your name
???: Gabe
Oh shit Gabe Dani's best friend, I used to call him my uncle
Y/n: Gabe as in Dani's Gabe
Gabe: the one and only
Oh shit, remember Gabe gave me a lot of memories i started to tear up
Jacob: you okay?
Y/n: yeah
Jacob put his arm around me
Gabe: Dani's little girl, he loved you
Gabe just smiled
Gabe: so what your like dating?
Jacob: nah
Gabe: oh shut up you still like her
Jacob: no
Gabe: Jacob I know you
Y/n: okay we'll it's getting late can you get me home Jacob?
Gabe: show her the room
Y/n: I already saw Dani's room
Gabe: I meant your room
I looked at Jacob confused
Jacob: upstairs
We walked out of Gabe's room and walked upstairs
Jacob: your room is next to mine
Y/n: cool
He took me to the room and it was amazing very clean it looked almost luxurious
Y/n: I'm shocked
Jacob: Dani told us what you liked
Y/n: wow
Jacob: if you want you can stay here
Y/n: I have no clothes here
Jacob: but if you did have clothes you would
Y/n: yeah
Jacob: check your closet
I checked it and it had clothes
Y/n: fine but stay with me
Jacob: yeah
I didn't feel safe without my mom
Jacob: wait do you mean like sleep with you?
Y/n: yeah is that a problem
Jacob: no not at all
He said smiling

Gangster- Jacob Day Where stories live. Discover now