Ch14 part2

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We did what we had to do, as we were waiting for them to wake up, Jacob got a call
Jacob: yo.... What....wait why..... okay I'll be there
Y/n: what happened
Jacob: shady got arrested and apparently the cops are looking for me
Y/n: what why?
Jacob: they found my bandanna... and are using it as evidence
As Jacob was talking Gabe woke up
Gabe looked around and saw that Ricardo was next to him.
Gabe: don't even try with Ricardo he's dead
Gabe said in a very serious voice starting to tear up
Jacob: Gabe how do you know
I realized no of us checked if they were breathing
Gabe: I'm now a "spy" for the other gang
Y/n: Gabe...
Jacob was looking over at his dad tearing up I went to go hug him Jacob looked at me in the eyes and decided to just walk out of the room.

I looked over at Gabe and I could tell he was holding back something
Henry: I'll go look for Jacob
Y/n:Gabe what's up
Gabe: nothing let's leave the room
He looked at Ricardo
Y/n: I can tell your holding somet-
Jacob came back in running
Gabe: because they helped me out and not him
That's when I realized that Gabes shirt was clean and Ricardo's wasn't.
Y/n: why
Gabe: I don't know maybe because he is a leader
I could tell he was lying
Y/n: that's not it
Gabe: y/n-
Dani walked in
Gabe looked at Dani
Dani: tell me what your holding back
Gabe: Dan-
Dani: what are you hiding
Gabe started to stand up from the bed I could tell he felt bad for Jacob who decided to just keep his mouth quiet while Henry was just watching
Gabe started to walk out of the room but Dani held Gabe's arm
Dani: your my best friend
Gabe:they helped me because I said I would be spying on you guys, and after today I can't be around you guys
Dani let go of his arm and Gabe left the house Dani went after him
Jacob looked depressed, stressed, and worried.
Henry: i can't right now
Y/n: if you want go to my room henry
Jacob started to walk out of the room as well as Henry, they separated and it felt like I had to choose which but at the moment I had to choose Jacob. I went after Jacob.
We walked into his room
Jacob: what
He said looking down and sitting on his bed I sat next to him rubbing his back.
Y/n: I'm so sorry Jacob
I started to tear up
Jacob: we saw it happened they tried getting our hopes up and it worked
Y/n: Jacob
Jacob kept looking at the floor
Y/n: Jacob look at me
Jacob looked at me his eyes were so red
Y/n: we have to end this once and for all
Jacob: I can't not right know and even if we did there is no way out of the gang y/n
Y/n: the only rival gang that is ruining you guys is just them.
Jacob looked at me
Jacob: can we talk about this another day
Y/n: yeah
Jacob and I went quiet until we heard pounding on the doors, we stayed there an let someone else get the door. We were still quiet then Henry ran in the room
Henry: cops are here
Jacob got up super quick I can tell he was worried.
Y/n: don't panic hold up
I went down stairs to see what was going on, I hear that the cops are stifling knocking on the door.
I went to go open the door
Y/n: yeah?
Cops: we are looking for Jacob Day is he here
The someone in the radio said something and both the cops look at each other.
Cop2: can we check the house
Y/n: not without a warrant
Cop2: just let us-
Y/n: come back with a warrant and then you can look around
Cop1: well we are here for Jacob Day
Jacob walked down the stairs
Jacob: yes
Cop1: Jacob Day you are under arrest for being involved in the murder of rival gang members
They started putting Jacob in hand cuffs, the thing was tho he wasn't freaking out it looks like he left every single emotion in his room.
As they were putting Jacob in hand cuffs and walking him away Dani showed up and Henry came down stairs
Y/n: Fuck
Dani: what is going on
Y/n: Jacob just got arrested
Dani: what now
Y/n: we need to get Ricardo out of here and anything that can get us arrested because they were trying to search the house.
Dani: fuck

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