Ch3 part 3

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As we are driving a car pulls up in front of us and I see Vinnie's sister, Bryce, a few other guys, and a middle aged lady come out of the car.
Vinnie: we're fucked
Tabitha: why do you say that
Vinnie: they all have guns on them
Jacob: and we don't?
Jacob pulled out two guns from his pants and handed them to Vinnie and Tabitha
Tabitha: oh no-
Vinnie: Tabitha you have to or they will hurt one of us
Tabitha looked at me worried
I look on the side of the door and found a gun Jacob somehow got his i don't know from where but he had a gun. Jacob and I got off the car
Y/n: something wrong?
Samantha: yeah you were the reason my brother was shot
Jacob: but he's fine
Samantha: but he had to go through all the pain
Y/n: so where is he now?
Jacob: does he know your doing this
Samantha: don-
???: let me take it from here sam
The lady said
Y/n: look I don't have all day so if we're gonna do this let's do this
??: but I wouldn't want to hurt my daughter
Vinnie and Tabitha finally got off the car
Samantha: Vinnie what are you doing with her?
Vinnie: helping her
Samantha: Vinnie don't you could get hurt again you can't trust them
Vinnie: just DROP IT ALREADY
Samantha: sorry
The lady had Vinnie's sister on a leash
Y/n: Bryce what are you doing here
Bryce: Evan doesn't include me in anything but she does
Jacob:who are you
Jacob asked the lady
???: kathrine, y/n's mom
Jacob: hold up I thought Jes-
Kathrine: she almost did but here I am alive and well
Y/n: we'll what do you want
Kathrine: I heard that I don't have to hide anymore and I decided to spend time with my two daughters
Jacob: two?
Kathrine: yeah
She looked at Samantha
Vinnie: I'm confused
Samantha: I'm not your full sister our dad cheated on ur mom with her
Vinnie: does my mom know
Samantha: yeah she does
Y/n: and what about me
Kathrine: you dad was killed years ago
I've been living a life full of lies
Kathrine: but I came back for you
Y/n: no I just met you
Kathrine: I leave next week
Vinnie: Samantha are you going with her?
Samantha: yeah, Vinnie I care so much for you but I don't belong here
Kathrine: y/n you joined a gang that killed your dad
I looked at Jacob and he just stared at kathrine
Y/n: look I'm not trying to have problems so leave us alone
Kathrine:I just wanted to spend time with my kids
Jacob: is Dani also your kid?
Kathrine: yeah but I don't count him
Y/n: well sucks cause the gang I'm in is the only family I have
Kathrine started raising her gun
Kathrine: are you sure?
Jacob raised his gun
Jacob; yeah she's sure
Everyone started to raise their guns
Vinnie: Samantha don't do this
Samantha: she's my mom and she cares for me
Vinnie: she wasn't even there while u were growing up
Kathrine: I was
Vinnie: bullshit you were to busy hiding
Kathrine: I had people from my gang keep an eye on them
Y/n: because is couldn't be you right cause you were too scared of Jess even though you had an entire gang
As she was about to open her mouth another car pulled up right next to theirs, it was Jackson, Thomas, Dani, Gabe, and... one more person who didn't get out of the car
Kathrine: good you don't think you can win against me so you brought more "family"
Y/n: no my family just comes at the right time
Kathrine: we'll uf real family Also comes ay the right time
A black car pulled up with another middle aged women and two guys
Y/n: look keep your one daughter you don't need me and I don't need you
Dani: what?
Kathrine: none of your business
Y/n: it is his business
Kathrine: right family
Y/n: That your son that you don't claim
Dani: sorry what
Y/n: don't you remember her?
Dani: oh I remember her but I'm not her son
Y/n: what?
Dani: thats
The person finally got out of the car
??: Kathrine?
I hear a deep voice say
Oh shit, no way

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