Ch10 part2

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I grabbed his arm and pulled him to the front
Jacob: what no
Y/n: come on you have the body of a shield
Jacob started walking and he walked to the room and we entered nobody was there
Jacob: check the closet
Y/n: what no
As we were arguing someone cane out with a knife and started running to us
Jacob started to talk something out, but as we are all on alert the guy with the knife stops, I looked at him and I could not believe what I was seeing Jacob and I were both shocked.
Jacob: I-
I started feeling dizzy and next thing you know everything went black. While black out I started to have a dream, that was such a blur.

I woke up on a bed a see Jacob standing there
Jacob: She is awake
I look around and saw nobody
Y/n: who are you talking to?
Someone walks in
??: Me
Y/n: Jacob...
Jacob walked up to me
Y/n: it can't be
I started to tear up crying, I couldn't believe what I was seeing Dani was right there in front of me
Dani: don't cry
He walked up to hug me
Y/n: I've missed you so much
Dani: I missed you too
Jacob: I'll leave you both
Jacob walked out of the room and closed the door
Dani: I'm so sorry but I had to lie to everyone that died Ricardo and Gabe helped me because they found me. and I think by now you should know why
Y/n: the brothers
Dani: yeah but their was a bigger reason I left you those letters and notes
Y/n: yeah I tried to figure it out but I haven't
Dani: what do you mean I left the names on one of the cards
Y/n: I haven't finished them
Dani: why
Y/n: the house was broken into and ever since then I haven't seen them
Dani: and I know who is behind it
Y/n: who?
Dani: Jess
Y/n: wait how
Dani: Jess and Ricardo used to date and we'll Ricardo broke up with her because she was crazy very hooked into drugs, well she cleared herself and when mom left she started to take care of us which I accepted and we'll once I join the gang I found out but nobody knows but me and we'll she was mad at Ricardo joined the rival gang and well yeah, and she tried to get me killed so I wouldn't open my mouth.
Y/n: so she's apart of the other gang?
Jacob: yeah
Y/n: then who is the other person
Dani: I don't know yet but we'll find out
Y/n: Dani I've missed you so much
Dani: I've missed you too
He hugged me
Dani: catch me up on things
Jacob opened the door
Jacob: can I come in now
Y/n: yeah
Dani: so what's been happening
Y/n: well I came back a few months ago and I met this idiot because well I met him because we were going to skip school...
Dani looked at me
Y/n: it's dumb bro like I already know everything they have "taught me"
Dani: of course you do
Y/n: well this idiot was also skipping and before jumping the fence he handed me a bag of weed to hold and we got caught and he booked it while I just stood there with the bag of weed
Jacob: but she didn't tell on us
Y/n: I leap from Dani
Jacob: I know
Dani: so I can see there is something between you two
Jacob: what no
Y/n: yeah no there is nothing he has a girlfriend and I like Henry
Dani: like Henry tall, black hair, always wheres a white or grey long shirt , dickies pants, and converse, Air Force, or vans that Henry?
Jacob: the fact that he wears the same shit
Y/n: yes him
( something like this)

Dani: yeah I remember him I loved that kid didn't deserve what he got tho Y/n: he hasn't told me Dani: oh Jacob: and I'm dating his step sister Dani: oh then I might have been wrong We caught up Dani on a lot of things Dani: we'll it's getting lat...

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Dani: yeah I remember him I loved that kid didn't deserve what he got tho
Y/n: he hasn't told me
Dani: oh
Jacob: and I'm dating his step sister
Dani: oh then I might have been wrong
We caught up Dani on a lot of things
Dani: we'll it's getting late I'm getting tired, you guys can have the bed I'll sleep in the couch
Jacob: Dani one more things
Dani: what
Jacob: my dad and Gabe are missing
Dani looked weirded out
Dani: tomorrow we'll go looking for them and we'll find them
Jacob: thanks
Dani closes the door
Jacob: I'll sleep on the floor
Y/n: were not kids Jacob
Jacob: you sure?
Y/n: yeah
Jacob made his way to the bed we turned off the lights and I turned to face him and he was facing me
Jacob: do you really like Henry
Y/n: yeah I really do
Jacob: are you like punishing me?
Y/n: why would I do that?
Jacob: because we had sex and and I never told you about Talia
Y/n: no I'm not punishing you
Jacob: it feels that way
Y/n: well I'm not
Jacob: have you and Henry?
I sat up on the bed and turned around so would face him I crossed my legs and Jacob sat up, I was in front of him
Y/n: the farthest we've gone is making out
Jacob: are you guys dating?
Y/n: no
I looked at him
Y/n: what about you Talia
Jacob: she wants me to fuck her but I haven't
Y/n: she's your girlfriend though mb
Jacob: yeah but I would rather be with you
Jacob leaned to kiss me I honestly didn't mind but I had to stop it
Y/n: no we can't
Jacob: what why
Y/n: your dating Talia
Jacob: I'm going to break up with her
Y/n: just because you want to have sex with me
Jacob: no because I lost feelings
Y/n: okay but I actually like Henry Jacob I just c-
Jacob started kissing me again but this time he moved quick to get on top of me, we were making out and this time I wasn't going to stop it but Jacob thought I was cause he was moving quick to take of my clothes. He was already taking off my bra and I started to take his clothes off, he started to slow down, I started to take of hit clothes.
Jacob: I love you
He said while we were kissing as I'm taking off his pants he looked me in the eye
Jacob: I mean it
He said and after kissing my neck
Y/n: I love you too Jacob
He was distracting by kissing me that's when I felt his warm hands on my clit he started going in figures of eights, I let out a loud moan
Jacob: shhh your brother is going to hear us 
He goes down and starts lick my clit mankind figure eights I was letting our huge gasps, I wasn't trying to moan or be loud.
Y/n: fuck
I whispered, Jacob came back up and continued kissing me and that's when I felt his dick going in me I let out a huge gasp, he started going very slow once it was fully in me he started to move more I let out a moan. Jacob started to make out with me. But I was letting out moans. Jacob started to g faster
Jacob: fuck
He whispered
Jacob: tell me when to stop
He whispered
He kept getting faster by the time
Y/n: okay
I say with a gasp and then after started to moan because Jacob kept getting faster
Jacob: fuck
It was pleasuring while he was in me
Y/n: suck
I said because Jacob was going to fast and he understood because then Jacob then started to slow down he hovered over me kissing me
Y/n: fuck
Jacob took a little time then started to speed up again putting his whole dick in me
Y/n: fuck
I moaned loud
Jacob: I know, I know, but keep it down
he whispered
Y/n: I hate you
Jacob: you love me
He started to go faster
Y/n: fuck ja-
Jacob: I know hold on
I couldn't hold on I came on his dick while it was in me
Jacob: fuck
Y/n: just finish
He kept fucking me until he came. I was so tired I didn't want to move but we had to clean up but we had nothing.
Jacob: check my pants their should be a black bandanna
Which confused me because the bandanna that his gang wears is a white one

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