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Scar: and Jacob was hurt
I tried running out to go look for Jacob but they wouldn't let me
Ari: he'll be back just wait
I was walking in circles in my room overthinking what they had said about Jacob
Ari: he'll be fine he's been through worst
Y/n: yeah but I could see that your also worried
Ari was shocked that I confronted her about it
Scar: I see your getting confident confronting people
Y/n: sure
After a while we heard loud banging s coming from the door, we went downstairs we waited there was a bang once and then twice.
Ari opened the door and Ricardo, Jackson, Thomas, and Eddie all walked in Jackson and Thomas were both helping Jacob get in, I could see he was losing a lot of blood he couldn't even stay awake. Jacob was passing out so much they dragged him to the basement where I have never been, I was just watching Jacob lose blood, I was in shock my body couldn't go up to him and help him, all I could do it follow them around.

Jacob POV
I was driving y/n's mom to the house so they could be safe but while driving past a street I see my dad and gang members about to get down with the other gang. I saw Ari and Scar there
Jacob: look I can't take my friends are going to take you
Y/n's mom: okay
I foto it of the car and ran to Ari and Scar
Jacob: take y/n's mom to the house
Ari: Jaco-
Jacob: go
Ari gave me her knife and I walked right next to my dad
Guy1: look little J decided to join
Jacob: what do you want
Guy1: we want the girl and her mom
Jacob: no, you'll never have them
Guy5: yeah?
He pulled out a gun and a whole fight started, I saw a guy about it stab my dad so I ran to them and started beating him up next thing I know is he stabbed me, but that didn't stop me until he stabbed me again,
Ricardo: JACOB
I heard my dad shout with pain in his voice the guy stabbed me again. Once everyone saw that I got stabbed they all ran, the fight stopped and my dad Jack and Thomas had tried running to me but since the other gang was running they kept getting pushed. Then the guy stabbed me one more time I could see anger in his face, he wanted me dead. Once he left running my dad tried killing him with his gun but he missed the shot.
Ricardo: come on Jacob don't close your eyes
I have never been stabbed not once. I couldn't keep my eyes open, I was struggling to keep my eyes open the whole ride.
Ricardo: we are almost home Jacob
Jacob: no I don't want to go home
I struggled to say
Thomas: why?
Jacob: because y/n
Jackson: she's fine
I couldn't talk much but I didn't want her to see me like this but. When we got to the house I don't remember anything, the only thing I remember was when I saw y/n's face I wanted to hug her but I couldn't. They took me to the basement where she followed I could only keep my eye on her, the only way I was keeping my eyes open. She came up grabbed my hand she said something but I couldn't hear.
Jacob: y/n
I whispered, Gabe came in and started taking care of me, he wasn't a doctor but ever since what happened to Dani he started to study online since he had so much free time.
Gabe: don't close your eyes J
I wasn't I couldn't stop staring at her and all of a sudden I feel this sharp ass pain I hold on to y/n's hand so fucking tight.
Y/n: just breath Jacob
I could tell I hurt her twice when she saw me hurt and when I squeezed her hand. I then passed out

Gangster- Jacob Day Where stories live. Discover now