Prologe Part 1

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"The fact that you believe this shows that after all these years of supposedly being my best friend, how little you truly know me!" I yell. We sit there in silence, both upset and angry, this fight going now where. "I'm done with all the accusations. I just can't do this anymore." I say sadly with tears streaming down my face. "This isn't friendship. I don't know what this is anymore other than it's not working." I look at him as a tear falls from his face. I see so much in his face; anger, sadness, betrayal. He looks like he has something to say, but nothing comes out. I recompose myself to where I'm not a sobbing mess. I sniffle and take a deep breath as a tear continues down my face. I have nothing else to say. I can't deal with the fighting anymore. Friends don't fight like this. I turn and start to walk away. I decided to add one final thing and turn back around. "For the record, even if anything had happened with him, it wouldn't concern you." I say. Finally, he speaks up.

"It is my business, as your best friend! It's my job to make sure you dont do anything stupid!" He snaps back.

"So, you have a say in my decisions, but I don't have any say in yours? It doesn't work that way! I've never once said anything about your conquests that you brag about, so you can't say anything about mine!" I take a few steps back towards him, pointing my finger. "He did nothing to provoke you other than try to get along with you for my sake. So, I'm done till you come to your senses, if you ever do." I turn around and leave crying. I felt like my heart had been ripped out. What's worse is this is self-inflicted. I'm choosing to be done with him in my life.

I just lost my best friend.........Eddie Munson. We were fighting over the thing we have been fighting over all the time lately. Steve Harrington. An old friend i reconnected with. Eddie thinks that all he wants is to sleep with me, which is far from the truth. This last fight, he accused me of actually having sex with Steve. I was done hearing it. If my supposed best friend can't trust me, then how can we be friends. Normally, I like him being protective, but he's officially crossed the line into overprotective and almost possessive. If I were his girlfriend, it would be a turn-on, but we weren't together. We've never even kissed, well, like really kissed. Cheeks and forehead but nothing more. Even with these deep feelings I developed for him.  I wasn't going to tell him and risk our close friendship. He was the only family I had..........Lets just say there is some complicated history between these boys and I. Let me explain...........

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