chapter 3

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I'm at home in my room with the music blaring. I'm working on my latest drawing while sitting on my bed. Ever sense the thing at the mall, I've been drawing quite a bit. It's therapeutic, drawing my nightmares. This one, It's darker than what I usually draw, but it's something that I can get out of my head. So I figured maybe this would help. In the center, there is a dark black shadow figure. Human shape but can't see anything else. There are a bunch of odd vine like ropes and some weird bats. They aren't like actual bats. They have odd wings and lots of teeth. Kinda reminds me of the creature from Alien. I'm not sure what it is, but I can't stop dreaming of them.
There is a knock at my door. I turn down the music and look over at the clock. 9:30pm. I grab the baseball bat next to my bed. I wasn't expecting anyone. I walk carefully to the door, unsure what to expect. Recently, I made the jocks shit list. They were messing with Dustin, and I couldn't just let them. I talked some shit on their lead ape, Jason. I had never seen someone so mad and so incapable of forming a thought. Insult after insult and he couldn't throw anything back but to call me a whore and freak. That and he said he was coming for me. I'm not intimidated by him but he's got more friends as back up than I do at the moment so better safe than sorry.

I check to make sure my shotgun is still behind the couch. Again, better to be safe. I live alone. I walk to the door and slowly unlock the deadbolt. Gripping the bat tightly, I prepare to strike. I jerk open the door. "Jesus Christ Steven!" I say dropping the bat.
"Yea not Jason......." He says. I open the door wide allowing him to come in. I shut the door behind him, placing the bat next to the door. He sits in the corner of the couch. My trailer was now fully furnished. I worked hard and saved up my money and now my place is a common hangout spot. I've even save enough to get a car. Steve and I are going this weekend.

"What happened to you?" He says with concern. "I was waiting for you after the game but you didn't come out with the rest of them."
"I thought you had a date?" I asked confused. I sat down next to him.
"Ah yea, well, we sort of ran into her ex at the game and............let's just say things are fixed between the two of them now." I lie against his chest and he wraps one of his arms around my shoulder.
"Sorry, Steve. Your better off without all that baggage though." I try comforting him.
"Thanks, bug (Steve's nickname for you sense you were kids). Anyways, I figured I would wait and be nice and give you a ride but when all the boys came out, you weren't with them."
"Yea, well, things went about as well as expected. I left early. He was being a dick."
"So like usual."
"I still think you should tell him." I push off his chest and look at him. I slink one of my hands up through his hair while leaving the other on his chest. He looks at me confused. His breathing hitches. I can feel his heart pounding. If I didn't know better I would say he was turned on. If he wasn't like my brother I would be too. I pull his hair. Nothing too much but enough to get his attention so he knows I'm not playing.
"I'm pretty sure I told you not to mention that again."
"Actually when you said not to mention it you werent specific so i assumed you ment to anyone else, not you...........and a warning. You probably shouldnt start something you can handle. You tease me you better follow through." I let go.
"Firstly, ew. You're like my annoying brother and secondly, I could handle you just fine. You would be the one not able to handle me." I smirk. He smirks back.
"Hey don't temp me with a good time. I need it right now." He laughs. I shove his chest.
"Well, on the bright side, we did talk a little. Starting "fresh" so to say."
"You're just going to pretend nothing happened?"
"Did I say that? Come on. It's me. I'm not pretending anything. But I miss him....." I look down at my hands. Steve leans forward taking my hands in his.
"I know you do. I can see it in your face. You're a smart girl. Smarter than me."
"That's not saying much." I interrupted, holding back a laugh.
"Anyways, just keep doing you. Follow your instincts."
"Thanks Steve. I'm glad I still have you around." He gets up and walks towards the door. I follow behind him. He turns back around to face me.
"I'm going to head home, take a nice cold shower. Unless you would rather help a friend out." He smirks. I grab his shoulder turning him towards the door.
"Ew, ok, get out." He turns back towards me and wraps his arms around my shoulders for a hug. I wrap mine around his waist being shorter. He kisses the top of my head.
"Night, bug."
"Night, Stevie.

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