chapter 1

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A couple have months have passed. Steve and I are at work bored. We're sitting on the counter across from each other, taking turns throwing popcorn in each other's mouth. Or more attempting to. It's been a slow day. I threw one at Steve, and he caught it. "So....(He says chewing on the piece)'re telling me their's no one?" He asked. He threw a piece at me, missing. The piece flies by my head.
"Why are we having this conversation?" I say a little annoyed. I throw another one back to him.
"You guys always talk about my love life." He throws another missing again, short this time.
"No, YOU talk about it. One can share too much sometimes, you know." I say, throwing another. He caught it again. He rolled his eyes at me.
"But seriously, no one? No one you are crushing on?" He asked. I rolled my eyes.
"It complicated," I admitted, thinking of Eddie. I wish I didn't have these feelings. It makes it hurt even more when I see him and can't speak with him. He throws another piece, this time hitting me cheek.
"You really suck at aim. No wonder the basketball team never made it to the championship when you were playing." I smirk. He looks at me pretending to be offended. He gets down off the counter.
"Seriously, though. I don't even think I've ever seen you date......oh my god! Are you a virgin?!" He says with raised eyebrows.
"Steve!" I say surprising he would ask me that.
"Not that it's your business, im not." I say shyly. Just then, the phone rang.
"Thank god," I say under my breath. I am more than ready to end this conversation.
Steve goes to pick up the phone. "Hello, family video." He leans on the counter.
"What do you want, Henderson?" He asks. That would be Dustin on the phone. Shouldn't he be in class? "Yea, I'll pass." He says. He looks over at me, shaking his head and rolling his eyes. I giggle quietly. "Ew, dude, don't say it that...........No we're working.........she's going to say no too." I walk over to him and steal the phone from him.
"Hey Dustin, how's school?" I ask. From the other end of the line, a voice speaks.
"Hey y/n! Hey, so we need a substitute for hellfire tonight." He says.
"I'm not sure that's a good idea." I doubt Eddie told him to ask me. As much as I love hellfire, I was and will always be their queen, I don't think Eddie would appreciate it.
"Aw, come on. Please, y/n! You are our last hope. We're starting a new campaign tonight, and Lucas has a game......please." Dustin begs.
"I don't think Eddie would like that. We haven't talked in months." I say sadly.
"Please. do it for me?........please, please, please." He asked again. I hesitate. I really shouldn't. I know I won't be able to hold it together. I do miss it, though. I miss the guys, too.
"Ok. I'm in." I say.
"Thank you, thank you. I owe you big." Dustin says excitedly.
"And I will collect."
"Ok, see you at 7."
The phone clicked.

"I can't believe you agreed to play." Says Steve stacking up returned movies. "You going to be able to handle being around him?" He asks. I wonder the same thing. It's been 5 months since we saw each other. Course, I'm not counting when he comes in the store. Those times consist mainly of awkward since with the occasional insult thrown back and forth. We both got under each other's skin. We were both hurt. But we both also loved poking at each other. It's almost weird flirting, but I can't really call it that unless both parties like each other.
"I'm not going to let him stop me from living my life. Plus they are my friends too and I miss them. I can be civil for a few hours."
Suddenly Steve's eyes got big.
"Wait.....wait......complicated you mean?! Really?!"
My eyes go big. No way! I love Steve as a brother, of course, but he's not the brightest. I had to help him pass his senior year. He couldn't have figured out who I was talking about.
"Eddie?!" My fear has come true.
"What?! No." I say unconvincingly.
"You do?! That actually explains a lot." He says. "Awww, you like him."
"Shut up. You're such an ass." I say, throwing a wadded up paper ball at him.
"You better keep that to yourself!" I warn him.
"Why? He should know. Maybe you guys would talk again."
"Say one word, and you won't like what happens."
"Sounds like an empty threat." I walk over to him and grab his ear, pulling him down to my level.
"You remember when we were five, and you blabbed to my mom that I was sneaking to your house at night." I say quietly.
"Remember what happened after?" His eyes widen.
"Ok, ok. My mouth is shut." I let go of his ear.
"Smart move." I smirk.

Hours later.......

I just got out of the shower and was trying to decide what to wear. I had a few shirts laid out. I hold up my hellfire shirt. Eddie made it unique by adding a crown hanging off the demon sense I was "the queen." I always wore it at our games. As much as I'm drawn to it, i probably shouldn't. I wasn't even sure Eddie would allow me in. He may kick me out the minute he sees me. I decided to go with my favorite Iron Maden shirt instead with a flannel, black jeans, and red vans. I throw my hair halfway up and add the finishing touch of my D20 necklace. A simple red die on a black cord. My good luck charm. I haven't worn it sense that fight with Eddie. Too many memories. He drilled a hole in one of his dies and made the necklace for me when we made the club. I figure tonight, I need all the help I could get. I tucked it in my shirt, grabbed my skateboard and bag, and headed off for the school.

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