Zombie Boy

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She often had to stop and ask herself why was it like this.

Who decided that things should be this way. After all how could it all be coincidence- how could anyone say ’its random’. It was deliberate, the world was twisted and it had its eye on you.

Miles was a good guy- he was happy- made other people happy too. What kind of twisted world stood for that. He had to go- But if it all seemed so logical and expected in her head…why was she so surprised? 

Why did she feel shot to pieces every time she heard it murmured upon the lips of the grieving. Why did it draw fresh wounds inside?

She guessed even when it was logical- death still got you right in the upper left rib.


Funerals on Wednesday. Bit soon if you ask me (no one did) but I suppose there’s no point in dragging it out…

(15 minutes later)

*Sniff* He was only eighteen! I thought I had at least fifty more years! *Sniff**Wipe* Ohhh…

(30 minutes on)

I didn’t really know him- there’s no point in me going to the funeral, its not like I ever spoke to him. Asked for a ruler once.

I didn’t have one. (Brought one every other day after just in case he asked again)

(1 minute…)

*Sniff* See! I couldn’t even help him the one time he needed me *Blow* I’m so useless!


Mandy Berry was married to James Berry.

She was a country blond with a juicy smile. Born with bony curls and a fair voice.

Mandy Berry- she wasn’t the brightest bulb in the pack.

Mandy Berry wasn’t too sure how she should go about talking to her daughter- she’d never really seen Megan so distressed before, not even when Larry the family dog died she didn’t cry like this.

With a soft knock she pushed the door open and gave her daughter a friendly smile. “I brought you some hot chocolate” she cooed wrinkling up her nose. 

Megan stared at her with dead eyes before rolling over onto her side with her back facing the door.

Mandy hesitated. “It’s your favourite” she sang.


Mandy drew back a frown bustling over to the bedside and sliding the cup onto the coaster before she sat herself down on the edge of the bed.

“Sweet heart you cant stay up here forever”

“Its been 1 day Ma”

“Yes but- today‘s just the first day then you‘ll be up here tomorrow and the next day and then before you know I‘ll be the one burying a child-”

“Maa!” Megan exclaimed twisting round to glare.

“Well- did you know him?”

Megan pouted grumpily “No”

“Did he know you?”


“Are you going to the funeral?”


“Well then” Mandy murmured before pausing. “You didn’t cry like this when Larry died”

Megan twisted round once again. “I was 5 Ma, and Larry was a dog this is different- Mile’s was a living breathing human being”

“Larry was a living breathing…being?” Mandy retorted.

Megan sighed into her covers. “I’ll be down in a second okay” She waited for the weight on the bedside to cease and the bedroom door to click before she glanced round to glare irritably after her Mum.

She didn’t understand. No one would understand. Megan had liked Miles. She’d liked him a lot.

Megan slung her legs over the bed edge and slouched to a stand making her way over to the window to look out at the oak outside. He had that dark coloured hair, like tree bark she thought as she stared dully at the tree that had blocked her view for yonks.

It was the tree from next door. Poxy old man why couldn’t he of kicked the bucket instead she thought glumly turning her eyes to the old fag as he struggled to kick start the mower. At least then she could chop the darn tree down.

Her eyes turned back to the tree. Mile’s was a lot like a tree if you thought about it (and she did). He was tall too but he wasn’t weak, he could stand in the wind like a tree and not be blown away. His hair was like the bark and his skin wasn’t far off that either. As for his eyes…well…they were green like those there leaves, so green…

She exhaled miserably.

Well that was all gone now. Spoiled.

She turned her back to the window and gave a pitiful sniff wiping at her nose with a tissue. Why did her nose always run when she cried what was that! A malfunction in her body that said tears= bogey stream.

She scowled crossly before her features softened.

She never did speak to him. It was laughable how she could say so confidently to herself that he was a good person when all she did was watch him in class. She didn’t know a single intimate thing about him…well. Apart from this and that. Okay she was a bit of a stalker and knew a lot about him but nothing important!

All she knew now was that…he was good. He made everyone laugh, she used to sit on the far side of the class next to some goon and he’d be there by the window surrounded by friends who were free to laugh out loud to his witty jokes.

She sometimes wondered…could she be the only one that admired him. Not in the flimsy way his girlfriends did with their pastel cream skin and rouged smiles. Really admire him. Notice the way his jokes were always harmless- never directed at anyone. Never victimising a class mate to gain a laugh. She could only set her teeth together and smile to herself at the unbearably funny ones which seemed to creep out the guy who sat next to her but she didn’t care.

He always stunk of cider so they were even.

Megan moped over to the mirror and watched her eyebrows furrow with brief concentration.

How could she speak to him. What reason was there for the both of them to talk and more pressingly what about. Hm? After all look at her what was that.

Stupid long hair when short hair was in fashion and look at those hips jutting out- she gave her butt a poke to check it still wobbled a bit. (It did)

Megan sighed again.

Even if she did still have 50 years with him- why would he ever associate with her.

Once. In the late hours of the night she came up with the idea of following him to the supermarket and purposefully running her trolley into his! But after sleeping on it she realised that was quite the outrageous stunt. Besides she could never pretend it was sincere after purposely following him.

In the end it was just like her Ma said.

He didn’t even know her.

Therefore it was quite obvious she couldn’t go to the Funeral.


Perhaps she’d visit the grave afterwards…you know. To be polite.

Zombie BoyWhere stories live. Discover now