Zombie Boy- 3

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Megan moved about sluggishly as she prepared herself for bed. In the midst of brushing her teeth she stared at herself in the bathroom mirror watching the foam gather at the corners of her mouth. She looked tired, run down, that's all the problem was. She was delusional from sheer exhaustion and the tablets hadn't helped.

Spitting out her mouthful she rinsed out her mouth and patted it dry with a towel before moving out of the bathroom and across the landing to her bedroom. She was up tight and irrational- even her mum and dad were concerned- it was all shock. That's all. Shock and exhaustion.

Pulling back the covers on her bed she climbed in and lent across the side table to turn off the light. She wasn't even sure she'd really seen- what she'd thought she'd seen. The more she thought about it the more sure she was that it'd been a mistake. Wasn't sure 'how' it was mistake. Just that it was one.

Closing her eyes and letting out a sigh she tucked the quilt under her arms and tried to think of something pleasant. Soon she wasn't thinking at all and had slipped into an untroubled sleep.


Megan jolted awake. Squinting her eyes open she craned her head up over her covers looking  about drowsily. Her eyes landed on the alarm clock the green numbers luminous and hurting her eyes in the dim light. 00:34. You have got to be kidding. She rolled over onto her other side and dragged the covers up to her chin clenching her eyes shut. Why was she even awake!!

Megan jolted at a 'clink.' Craning her head up again she squinted at the window. The stupid tree branches were probably hitting against it. Waiting for a while she blinked in surprise at another loud 'clink' before her expression morphed into a scowl. Damn tree. Reluctantly slouching out of bed she dragged her feet over to the window and with a twist of the handle pushed it open.

A slight breeze caught her in the face whisking her hair back before she began to grope blindly out the window one hand shielding her eyes while the other felt around for the tree ready to snap some branches in the name of a good nights sleep. It was cold and windy and she was tired. This tree was going down. Finding a few of the gnarled twig ends she began to tug, twist and pull in an attempt to snap them but the wind blew the tree about.

So its fighting back ay. Using both hands Megan tugged harder gritting her teeth until she heard a snap. Aha!

She glanced over her shoulder as a stone bounced against her window sill hitting the window pane with a 'clink'. What the-

Peering down at the front lawn Megan keeled back in horror. No. No. No. NO. Drawing back she brought the window closed. Ducked down beneath it and sucked in a breath feeling her heart hammer like a steam engine against her chest. What was wrong with her. Was she honestly insane!

Rising up she peered over the window ledge to see the figure still out there on the lawn. She fell back into a crouch and bit her lip. She should call her mum, but then her mum would know she was delusional and that was the last thing Megan needed. Ma could you get rid of the dead guy on the lawn? Ta. Absolutely not.

Maybe it was someone playing a practical joke evolving around Mile's death. Which would be unbelievably sick. Megan felt a mild anger begin to surface. Another 'clink' came against the window pane. Standing up she jerked the window open with a sudden fierce confidence. There was only one way to find out if this was a prank or not.

Shielding her eyes from the wind again she hesitated at the figure standing on the lawn arms hung loosely and head directed up. She'd be able to tell straight away if it wasnt so dark.

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