Zombie Boy- 2

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Why did Funeral have fun in it. What was fun about burying someone in the ground.

Megan stared at the television. It was all over the local news. Had been for the past few days. Her mum said not to watch it but Megan couldn’t help it. She wanted to feel sad.

A young boy Miles Launder was murdered late Monday night after getting caught up in a freak shooting incident, his funeral is today and we‘ve had many texts and emails in wishing the aggrieved family the greatest sympathy. Police have several suspects in custody.

On to the sports. Is that all they had to say about him. She swallowed the pills in her hand and washed them down with spit- she'd had a headache all day. She'd probably overdosed on the pills by 1 or 2 considering they didnt seem to be doing their job. Megan's eyes slid to the side as she heard someone coming down the stairs.

James Berry- Tall, blond and to the point.

He was a brew master and made roughly 75,000 a year working for a large national brewery.

Slick, snobbish and clean cut.

James Berry- he wasn’t the most sentimental man.

Megan glared over her shoulder when her dad picked up the remote and switched the television over to a soap re-run. She knew what was coming.

“I don’t want you going to that funeral Megan, a grave yard on that side of town is no place for a girl like you”

“Dad-” she began.

“No if’s. No but’s. No going to the funeral” he interrupted adjusting the collar of his work shirt. “Funerals are dismal things you have no reason to be there” he added moving away to look in the hallway mirror.

Megan slouched further into the couch. The funeral had already started and she hadn't even planned to go. More to the point he was only saying that because of where the grave yard was- on the 'lesser' side of town i.e not in the neat and tidy suburbs. The house phone began to ring. Megan lent over the side table and eyed the number.

“Its for me!” she yelled out before taking it off the receiver and holding it up to her ear. “Annie?”

“Hey Berry! How you holding up?”

Megan held the phone away to glance over the back of the sofa. No dad.

“Fine I guess. Are you at Mile’s funeral?”

“His parents did say I couldn’t go”

Megan smiled. “Kind of like my parents saying you couldn’t ring me?”

She knew Annie was grinning. “Yeah- so I guess that means I am at his funeral. Free food after all right?”

Megan’s smile wavered. “Yeah…free food” she murmured.

“You’re not coming are you?” Megan heard her figure down the other end of the phone.

Megan sighed drawing her knees up into her chest. “No…”

“What?! But you’re missing out on the free food- The depressing parts already over!” Annie spluttered.

Megan clenched a fist and pressed it to her temple. “Yeah I know- I just don’t fancy it”

Annie May- Tall, blond and blunt.

A friend to Megan it was a chore knowing her. Less privileged and rebellious she had barely any regard for manners or things that were considered inappropriate.

Zombie BoyWhere stories live. Discover now