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"Guys he's really nice." She tells her friends , that roll their eyes at her she fake laughs at them.

"Too nice, you know what that means."

"Nothing , this isn't those movies girl." She laughs with them as they shake their heads.

"Crystal" one girl says to her she jumps after the waiter talks to them.

"Oh I'm sorry for scaring you but would you ladies like a to go box." He says to her they nod their heads waiting for him to get back with the boxes.

Crystal gets a text from the guy she's been talking to for the past 6 months. He's a really nice guy, and her friends clown her for it.

She smiles at the text, then text back before her friends see her face.

"Ew she's texting him again." One girl says laughing and Crystal laughs at her face.

"I really think he's weird to be honest, he rarely talks to us if we are around."

"Cuz he's shy and doesn't want to make you guys uncomfortable in a way."

"Well if he doesn't talk to us then that will happen." She laughs after putting her food in a box.

"Well he's picking me up now." Crystal stands up with a smile, the girls laugh at her she waves to them.

"Be safe."

"I will byeee." She walks out of the restaurant to find the guy she's been talking to.

He's leaning on his car waiting for her, he waves to her so she could find him.

"Oh hey, I didn't see you." She laughs he smiles to her.

"How was the dinner?"

"Pretty good, I had this amazing chocolate cake with strawberries." She says holding her hands up, he starts up the car driving to his house.

"Levi." She says his name throughout his house.

She's beautiful, but she'll never like a guy like me. Right, hahahaha, I'm mr.nice guy. Nice enough to kill you, maybe maybe not.

She walks down the hall, not seeing him. She wonders how he disappeared that fast from the living room they were in 10 minutes ago. She opens a door hoping he's behind it, nothing to see here.
She goes to window to look in the backyard, the lights were on.

"Levi?" She says again, no response. She was getting a little scared since she can't find him.

She opens the bathroom door, nothing there. The closet door that leads to a wall in closet. She turns the light on seeing a person in there staring dead at her.

She runs out the closet door, and out in the hallway. She runs down the stairs as the person is running from upstairs. She hears their footsteps from the ceiling.

Where is he?

Levi comes back into view seeing Crystal running in his direction. He pulls her too him as she's freaking out. She try's to catch her breath but her eyes are watering.

"What's wrong?"

"There's a person in that closet and they started chasing me." She says in his chest he looks up for a second.

He pulls her to the kitchen telling her to wait in there. She covers her face crying into her hands silently. Levi goes to the hall she was running down, he sees the person she was referring to. It's a homeless man that's be sneaking into his house for a couple years now.

THE NICE GUYTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang