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"I don't want to hurt you." He says to her she nods her head.

"What are you thinking?" She asks him pulling away he wipes his eyes.

"He's trying to kill you." He says with his mouth shaking a little, he looks down to her but he notices someone standing in the distance. He pulls her to him holding on her for dear life.

He looks up to the person as they make a fake gun to him.

"Levi what's wrong?"

"I'm seeing things." He says to her and she pulls away from him, she looks over to what he's looking at.

"Who is that?" She asks he looks down at her.

"You see them?"

"Yes, who the hell is that?" She says seeing the person running away.

The police taps her shoulder, she jumps in her place.

"Ma'am do you have a place to stay for now." He asks her she shakes her head.

"She can stay with me for now, officer." Levi says to him she looks over to him, then to the ground.

"Okay, I'm sorry this happened to you he will be going to prison for good." He says to her she nods her head.



"I saw a random person standing over there, they deranged, he saw them too but they took off running that way... they were wearing black and white." She says to the officer who speaks into his walkie.

"I can walk you guys to your cars." He offers us , the lights on the police cars are still flashing.

He walks us to Levi's car, he holds her shoulder to reassure her about everything that happened.

"Please don't touch." Levi says moving the officers hand off of her shoulder.

"He touch her kill him."

"Must be the boyfriend, you guys have a nice night." The officer says walking back to the others.

Crystal looks over to Levi who's eyes are dilated. She rubs his arm he looks down to her she nods her head.

"I'm not hurting you am I?" He asks her as he puts some ointment on her back. Ryan had pushed her down to the floor really hard and choked her.

"No you're not." She says to him he wipes his finger off of the cream.

"Oh man he hurt you." He says looking at the bruises on her back and her neck.

"I'm fine it's okay." She says to him, he shakes his head.

He walks her to the bed, she laughs in her mind at him trying to place her in the bed.

"Levi I can do this myself you know." She says as he places her down under the covers.

"I'm just trying to help." He says to her she laughs at him.

"I'm not handicap, I'm alright it's just a few bruises on my back." She says to him with a laugh.

"She slapped you." He says looking at her cheek, and she nods her head.

"She kept saying stuff so I mention something about her cuz I know she doesn't like people talking shit about her but she loves to do it to other people." She waves her hands up to her side , rolling her eyes.

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