8-Oh my Frappecino!!

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18 years ago.
Bab'Zondo:Bayede,wena Zulu,Your great fathers are with you.They will never forsake you.You will blessed with twins,two girls.The one born first will be the queen of our kingdom.She will be this kingdom's greatest leader.She will bring peace unto the land of our forefathers,she will be the hope of our people and she will be known by many.She will be called Nosipho,the gift from God to you.The second daughter will be the life of our people,she will help her sister to rule.She will not have any family of her own.Her sister will be her only Purpose on this world.She will rule with her sister,she will be the source of life to her.If she dies,her sister the queen dies.She will be called by Nompilo,the one who brings life.Becareful, there are dark forces who will not want the twins together,because together they will be the doom of many who bring darkness to this kingdom.

Present day.
Its tuesday today and i am not going to work.I only show up to the office on Monday,Wednesday and Friday.Lesedi has been blowing my phone since yesterday,She has been apologising for her behavior.I am going to block her.Im not gonna have poeple who do not know their place in my life.I do not do relationships and i made her aware.I even asked her if she is fine with what we have and she was keen with it until 2 days ago.Its not my fault she caught feelings.[Phone rings:Bakang].Hayi this one
Bakang:Open the gate im outside.
Me:Bakang,o batlang mona hoseng tjena(what do you want here this early)
Bakang:Just open.[He hangs]
I opened for him.He parked the car then came into the house.
Bakang:Knock knock![He is already inside]
Me: What do you want here Bk its too early for you to pollute my air.
Bakang:Hawu, no good morning.How did you sleep nyana?
Bakang:You need a girlfriend.This place needs some woman touch.
Me:mxm.wena i wonder how many hands touched you house for that "woman touch".[Bakang laughs]
Bakang:Stop wondering because you do not want to know.Rangwane called,he asked for us.He said its urgent.
Me:does your father know?
Bakang:No,he said we should not tell him.
Me:Its not like he will want us to go.
Bakang:Exactly,so are you keen?
Me:When do we leave,how urgent is it?
Bakang:We need to be there by friday.Maybe we should leave thursday morning.
Me:Okay,i will tell Stacy to get the tickets.
Bakang:What are we having for breakfast[already headed to the kitchen]
Me:Haibo buti, go ask the hands that turned you house feminine to make you breakfast.
[They both laugh.]

My mother is still acting weird.I dont know if i should be worried or should i just ignore it.Today i had an early class then i was free for the rest of the day.I just got off class, drove back home to change my outfit and then went to have a shopping spree.I decided to wear an oversize shirt with some mommy jeans and paired the outfit with white airforces.I let down my braids,they are not that old so they still look neat.I got to the mall then i decidee to call Ndalo since i last talked to her on Friday.

Ndalo:Mati, i will call you back just now.I have a class now in 2min.
Me:Okay.Call me then.
[She hangs up]
I started at cotton on to buy some of the items i saw online. I bought 4 items which costs R2520.This shop is expensive but the quality is all that matters.Im just getting started and i already spent much.I did not mind because my dad sent me money for new clothes 2 months back,but i have been very busy with school so the money increased because of my allowance.My dad is not stingy when it comes to money.I spend 30% of what he gives me monthly so i have close to R80 000 in my bank account now.I know im too simple to be have that much on my bank account.I decided to go buy some pair of kicks since i never have time to buy them.I got to sportscene and went to the nike section.I love nike kicks, so o settled for another pair of airforce1, i swear i am addicted to them,these will be my 3rd pair.A pair of air jordan 1 dunk lows.These are my 2nd pair.I also decided to take some running shoes and some a pair of tracksuits.I spent almost R6000 .It was already lunch time so i went to spur for the ribs since i have been craving for them.While i was sitting waiting for my order,i got a call from Ndalo.
Ndalo:My wife
Me:My liefde
Ndalo:Im done for the day so i decided to go to the mall to shop some essentials.
Me:How i wish to have my own place right now.
Ndalo:I know chommie, Konje why your mom diesnt want you to move out.
Me:She says i am still a child,maybe when i am 21.
Ndalo:21?I would scream.I miss you so much yoh.
Me:I miss you too.Alot.
Ndalo:But i have a recess in 2 weeks.Do not worry, i will see you melanin goddess.[I chuckle]
Me:Yeppy,its a good thing that you coming.You need this recess
Ndalo:Yah neh,alot happened.Lwethu's mother say i should go visit her grave.
Me:That is so sweet of her, you gonna go?
Ndalo:Yess but im gonna come there first so i will be leaving here on friday then spend an entire week there,then to Natal then come here after.
Me:Thats a good plan chommie.
Ndalo:Yeah,anyway where is Lorato?
Me:i last saw her that other weekend.
Ndalo:I miss her please greet her for me.
Me:I will chommie,hehe let me tell you.So that weekend we had a small chillers at Andile's friend's house akere.So this girl asks me if i have a cousin in Kzn because i remind her of someone.Akere you know i do not my maternal family so i say no.Later that week i tell my mother, i actually ask her if i have any cousins and she just chopped my head off.Yoh i almost died
[Ndalo laughs]
Ndalo:You lie!
Hope:I reminded myself to never ask again.
Ndalo:Yoh mos this thing is serious.
Hope:Exactly,something is telling me to dig deeper into it but i dont know hey,i dont think i am ready to find out whatever skeleton that i will find.
Ndalo:What makes you thinks there's a skeleton?
Hope:Eish, i had a weird dream Chommie.It was dark and i was alone but suddenly someone talked, telling me i am not who i think i am.
Hope:Yes chommie,i was so scared actually i still am scared.
Ndalo:I think this should give you more reasons to dig into this.
Hope:Ha.a Ndalo man, i told you i donot want to uncover any skeletons.I am not ready.
Ndalo:Hayi keh sana.Okay
Hope:Babes i have to go neh.
Ndalo:Okay bye.I love you
Hope:I love you more
[She hang up].

Mama Busi and i are having a meeting with her PI.I am so nervous,i mean i am about to start an jnvestigstion based on a gut feeling that my twin is still alive.I sometimes do not believe in myself but Aunt Busi is always reassuring me that its worth getting the closure.Rather fail trying than not trying at all.I was wearing jeans and some oversized white tshirt,paired the outfit with black prada shades,black cap and black gucci kicks.My aunt is just giving a rich aunt vibes.Long summer dress,those dramatic sun hats,Prada Sunglasses and these cute sandless.She is just so beautiful,her ex husband will regret treating her bad.She really did not deserve the shitty marriage she had.But you can see she is glowing these days.The PI just got here,he is a middle aged Coloured man.Nice.
The guy:Mrs..
Busi:No please,i am now ms Khumalo
[I Looked at her and the guy was trying to hide the shock]
Guy:Oh sorry ms Khumalo, and this is?
Busi:Oh sorry, this is my niece Gugulethu.Gugulethu this is mr Harris,my PI
Gugu:Nice to meet you[i smiled]
Harris:Likewise.Now what brings me here?
Busi:The job we want to do is the most private job i have ever done.No mistakes,it involves my sister queen Nomasonto and king Langa.
Harris:Busi are trying to tell me how to do my job?
Busi:I am just making you aware of the seriousness of the job.
Harris:Now why am i here?
Busi:Gugu,over to you[i looked at her with shock.I cleared my throught]
Me:Ahem!umh okay.I have twin who allergedly "passed" after birth. I do not know but i think she is still out there, i can feel it.I dont know i just need to find out if she is out there or what. I need to find her.
Harris:So i will be wasting my time on nothing but an intuition?[He chuckles]
Busi:Harris are you gonna help us or not. I am not here to play.
Harris:This is Going to cost you Busi.
Busi:You know money is not the problem.How much?
Harris:You remember its half now,half later when i have everything.It will cost you 70k.35k now,35k later.
Busi:Ohkay no problem.
Harris:My princess,Now i am going to need Key information.Where were you born,date of birth,full names.
Gugu:Ahmed Al-Kadi private hospital,20 February 2000, real name is Nompilo Gugulethu Zulu.
Harris: Okay i will be in touch.
Busi:Thank you Harris.Here is your cash.
[He took the cash then left.]
Gugu:That went well.
Busi:I thought as much, are you ready for whatever outcome nana?
Gugu:More than ever.

After my lunch i decided to go to starbucks for some vanilla bean frappe,its been a while.I ordered the dragon fruit and black berry.As i was about to get out of the shop someone bumped so hard into me making my Frappeccino to fall and split everywhere.
Me:Dude WTF!!!!!!!!
Guy:Fuck im so sorry,shit.May i get you another one?
Me:Why are not watching where you are going.
Guy:Let me get you another one.
[He quickly went to the till for another order.]
Me: Can someone please help me clean this.
Waiter:Dont worry i will call the cleaning leady to help you there.
I cant believe i was having a good day until this guy ruined it.I am so pissed right now.
Guy:Sorry,Which flappe is this.
Me:Dragon fruit.
Guy:And who do i dedicate it to?
Wait, i think i know this guy.Isnt he the guy i almost bumped into the other day.Why is he not recorginsing me.I feel so embarassed now.
Guy:Here is your frappe ,sorry once again
Me: Its ohkay, sorry for over reacting.Your shirt is ruined.
Guy:No dont worry about it.I have plenty at home.
Me:Can i atleast offer to buy you another one,you cant walk around with a stained shirt.
Guy:No,im the one who ran into you.Its fine
Hope:ohkay, thanks for another flappe mr??
Guy:Just call me Bokang.
Hope:Ohkay Bokang.Let me get going.
Bokang:Ohkay, bye Hope.
[She left]
I just bumped into this beautiful young lady,i did not even ask for numbers.I can be stupid sometimes.I wonder why did she suddenly forgive me .One minute she was going to swallow me one mjnute she forgives me.Damn She is even cuter when she is mad.I need to get home and change this shirt before i run late to my meeting.

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