16-Confrontations and Truths

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I woke up around midnight,the dream was just too much to handle.I struggled to get some sleep so I decided to get coffee and do my school work.I wore my gown and went downstairs.I got to the kitchen and my dad was already there,having a snack.

Me:Hey Dad

Him:Hey stranger.Its laterally 2 am,why are you awake?

Me:I had a bad dream.

Him:Mind sharing it?

Me:I don't remember what It was all about but I was in a desert,tired,hungry and thirsty.

I did not want to tell him every detail.

Him:That's all you remember?


Him:How was that charity event?

Bathong,he should know.He was there.



Me:Baba you should know,akere you are sleeping with Lorato's mother.

I snapped,oops!


Him:What are you talking about?

Me:Dad you are cheating on mom with Lorato's mother.I saw you guys kissing.


Me:Either you tell mom or I do but I wont sit around and watch this.Your adultery is costing my frienship with my friend dad[my voice was quavering.]

Him:Hope,I don't want to hurt your mother.

Me:What? Awusamfuni?

Him:Not like that Hope.You wont understand.

ME:No make me.


Me:Mxm,I am really disappointed in you dad.I took you as a role model and now,I just dont know you anymore.

[I Left the kitchen]



Today I am leaving joburg.This week was just so hectic,drama jwith the ladies and the thing with Linda.Hope and I are going on a spa date with our moms,I could really use that before the exam month because I am starting with my exams in a week time.I already started studying .I wore some shorts and an oversiized garphic tshirt.I plaited my hair yesterday at the mall.I went downsatirs for breakfast.



MOM:My baby

Me:Whats for breakfast?

Vuyo:Eggs,beacon and mashrooms.

Me:Mhhhhhm,is this my bye bye breakfast?

Mom:Yes,what did you buy yesterday?

Me:more tshirts and 2 pair of jeans.Then I did my hair and nails with the rest of the money.

Vuyo:Izinzipho for what,when you are going to school?

Me:Mxm,mom when are we leaving?

Mom: around 9 our appoitment is for 10.



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