24-Nompilo do your job!

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Five days later...
Its been a long week.I wrote one of my exams this week and i am just exhausted from all the study,and i haven't even write most of my exams yet.I am going to campus to study today,then later meeting Bokang.Yes,he came back 3 days ago and he told me he was very busy with family things and he didnt have time to hold his phone.Since its sunny today, i am gonna wear my quarter short pan and and oversize shirt to be comfortable,wore my green crocs and took my green tote bag with my books in it and left.
After 6 hours i was done studying and it was now 3pm.I was just going to my car when i heard someone calling my name.
[I looked back and it was Sasa]
[He jogged till he reached me]
Him:Hey stranger
Me:Saw'bona Sasa,unjani??(Hey,How are you)
Him:I am not well nd wena?
Me:Besides stressing about exams,im fine.Why are you not well?
Him:You have been scarce.
[I chuckled]
Me:Oh wow,didnt your friend till you me and his girl fell out?
Him:No,i wasnt aware.Sorry
Me:Yeah sure no problem.
Him:But that doesn't justify why you have to be so scarce to all of us.
Me:Well,i was making thongs easier for you guys.I didnt want to make you guys choose plus you have known her longer.
Him:But ,i am not friends with her i am friends you,i tolerate her because she is my friend's girl.Sometimes before making such a drastic decisions about me please ask for my opinion,cheesgirl.
Me:But Sakhile..
Him:No but,anyways where are you headed?
Me:Lunch date
Him:With who?Your mother?
[I laugh]
Me:Mxm No,some guy.
Him:Oh you socialize?i didnt know.
Me:Well you dont know me.
Him:Ahem,well i know you are single and this guy is the first guy you date since you finished high school.
Me:Tsek,oksalayo,i am going on a date.
[We both laugh,we get to my car and he hugged me and left]
I really like Sakhile,he is a great guy and really dont mind continuing my friendship with him.

Its been 5 days,since that meeting in Lesotho and my life has been so chaotic ever since.My dad hasnt spoken to my mom since then,he left on Monday and didnt go to their house in Free State,we dont know where he is.My mom hasnt stop crying,she is staying at my house for this week,i have never seen my mom so broke,i cant believe she went through all of that,she is a strong woman indeed.Rramatla said we needed cleansing,all of us including Sello. After the cleansing we will have a way forward.

I came 3 days ago but i have been busy to even see my future wife.I prepare myself to leave and since i have some clothes here at work,i only change into those and i am not taking a shower since i am running late.I get into my bmw x6 and drive off.I get to the place and shortly after Hope comes in,she sees me and came.We hugged ,for a whole minute.
Her:I see someone was missing me.
[I chuckled]
Me:Alot,you dont want to know.
Her:Hey you
Me:Hy baby,how are you?
Her:I am good,and how are you?
Me:Im fine now that you are here
Her:Oh wow
[I take out a necklace i bought for her as a gift yesterday]
Me:I bought you something.
Her:Oh,you didnt have to.
[I just look at her face when she opens the box]
Her:Haibo Bokang,How much is this?This doesnt look cheap.
Me:Thanks would actually do.
Her:Thank you but why buy me such an expensive necklace?
Me:Whats wrong with buying you an expensive necklace and beside its not that expensive.
Her:How much is it then?
Me:uhmmm R1500
im lying its R3500.
Her:What? Thats alot,noways.
Me:Hope[She looks at me and i clear my throat]If we are going to be together,you should know i am going to spoil you rotten.Thats just me.
Her:So what does that mean?
Me:Will you be my girlfriend, officially?
Her:Were you buying my heart with the necklace ?
[I frown]
Me:Buying? Why must i buy something i already have.
[She laughs]
Her:Uhm,Ohkay lets try this.
Me:Ohkay, that would do
[She smiles]
Damn that smile will be the death of me.
We continue catching up .

I have just arrived from work and i hear a knock,i went to go get it and its my dad,oh great.
Me:What brings you here?
Him:Is that a question you ask your father.
Me:We both know,you dont visit me.I am even suprised you know where i live.
Him:I pay for this apartment Zaza dont you dear try and make me a bad parent.
[I secretly roll my eyes]
Me:tea,coffee,or juice?
Him:Nothing,i am not here to stay.I am here for business.
I knew it.
Me:What business?
Him:Nosipho sisi,you manage to befriend her?
Me:Yes Dad
Dad:Good,she is going to be a great use to us.
Dad:Just make sure she has your trust,our plan need to be in motion.
Me:Our plan?You and who?
Dad:Bye baby girl,I am glad for once in your life,you are becoming useful.
[With that he stood up and left]
I swear i hate my dad.

I am at this beautiful place,it looks like a garden,it has beautiful flowers and green grass.I look around and i see an elderly woman and i went to her,she turns and i quickly recognise her.Its that woman who vanished on me the other day.
Her:Kumnandi ukuphinde ngikubone ngane yami.Unjani?
Me:Ngiphilile wena gogo?
Her:aI am not well mina mntanani,your sister is about to be in danger,you need to save her before she endangers herself.
Me:Gogo Danger enjani,how do i know what am i suppose to do.We are not suppose to tell her the truth until she is done with her exams gogo
Her:Kodwa thats not how ancestral things work mtanami,time is already lost and you are wasting more time.She needs to know the truth now or never.
Me:But Gogo
Her:Nompilo,uNosipho has a very special giftt that You,have to protect at all costs and if its gonna cause her a distraction then so be it.Do your job mtanami,yenza umsebenzi wakho.
[With being said,she stands up and leave,i tried talking more but i couldnt]

I woke up sweating and its clear i was dreaming but everything just felt real.I got up and went to drink water downstairs.

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