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Someone in the Zulu kingdom.The council are waiting for their king to come and address them as promised. Some are making assumptions on what thus could be all about.
Bab'Gumede: I was saying we wait and hear what Ndabezitha has to say before we making wrong assumptions.
Bab'Ndlela:I agree with you there bafo.I just hope its great news,God knows we could use great news.
(Sound of stopping cars was heard,)
Bab'Gumede:He has arrive.
The council is consist of 5 people including the king. Its Bab Gumede,who's one of the king's trusted men.He has been loyal to yhe throne since the reign of Langa.Then there's Bab Zondo,who is one of the influential people in the kingdom. He owns a couple of businesses and he sponsors the kingdom a lot when it comes to projects.Then there's Bab Ndlela who is very old. He has been to the council before Langa became King, when his father was still alive.He is the one that keeps everything in order especially when it comes to the traditions. Then there's Banzi, who is barely there but has a big influence on the decision made by the council. One of the king's guards enter before and announces the arrival of the king.

I enter and settle down, i acknowledge everyone in the room. Banzi decides nor to show up as always, this reallt annoys baba Ndlela.
Me: Afternoon. I hope we are all well.
Bab Gumede: Sawubona Ndabezitha.
Bab Ndlela: Ndabeditha
Bab Zondo: Zulu.
Me:I dont want to waste any time. Lets get to the point. Almost 20 years ago our queen,My wife gave birth to two beautiful princesses who were the heir to rhe throne. But unfortunately the other one " died ".Well i am here to inform you that our future ruler Nosipho did not die. She was taken without our knowledge and she has been recently found by her sister Nompilo.
They all looked at each other confused.
Baba Gumede: Ndabezitha, if i am not mistaken.You are saying the chosen one is actually alive?
Me: Correct.
We spend the entire afternoon talking about this matter and it will ne handled.

Few days later...
My father has announced my arrival to his people and now they are planning my welcome that will be held next weekend.My twin and i are getting along really well. Though i feel like we are not the same as people would expect us to be. Nompilo is lively and joly and full of life. I on the other hand am different.Im too stiff and boring.Today we are going to meet Nompilo's friend. Dad doesnt want me in a public eye so we are going to Zamo's house.We will be having a picnic there. Apparently she leaves 1 hour away from here. She is also royal.Mpilo really has a type when it comes to friends. I heard their late friend was from a very rich family.
I dont know what to wear,how fo one dress like to meet rich people? I just did a puff on my afro and then put on my jewelry. I decided not to put make up.I was so stressed on whether to wear a skirt or pants but from what I've heard, Baba is not a big fan of females in pants.You actually dontnwalk around in his house with pants. Yes you can wear them when you go out but remove them as soon as you get home.Do i decided to wear a pink satin skirt with a short slit and a short sleeve white shirt. I wrapped a doek around my puff to keep it together . I finished the look with white sneakers and socks.I asked Mpilo to borrow me her swimming costume since i didnt bring mine, appearantly they have a seimming pool so we will have a smallernyana pool party.
When i was done i went down stairs where i found my copy already waiting for me.
Her: yoh, finally done. I've been waitin hey .
Me:Eish sorry .i was still undecisive on what to wear.
Her: You look good.
Me: Thank you, not bad yourself.
She rolles her eyes and i laughed.
Me: Joking. You look good too.
She was wearing i white summer dress that hugged her beautiful figure by the waist. It was backless and soo sexy.She wore a wig over her short hair and some platform sandless.
Mabusi Appeared from no where. She has been very scarce wver since the scene that happened the other day.
Mabusi: Ladies Mantombazana. Ndlela phi?
Gugu: We are going to Zamo's house for a small picnic.
Mabusi: Nibahle kakhulu for a small picnic. Ni sure?
Gugu: Hawu Ma,i wouldn't lie to you.
Mabusi: You guys better leave before your dad finds you. We all know he wont be shy to change his mind.
Gugu: Lets go Nosi, tell mama we are gone.
Me: Bye mMabusi.
I hugged and she just smiled.
One of Baba's conditions was for us to have someone to drive for us. So one of his trusted gaurds was driving us to Zamo's kingdoms which was and hour away.We got in the car and left.

This weekend I've decided to go see my parents. Its been a while since ive actually spoke to them and i know they are probably mad at me.Its Friday today so i will be leaving South Africa in the afternoon. But first i have to go to the office to fix some of things. At around 10 am i was done at the office and decided to go see my replica,its been a while since I've last talked to him.
I get to his law firm, his PA announce my arrival to him, luckly he has no meetings  on Fridays. I get to his office and there he was on his PC
Him:Oh look who decided to show his face.
Me:Hey man.
Him:Wa kgona ho ipata neh?
Me: Im a gone boy obviously.
Him: How are you?
He stands up for our hand shake
Me: Im good and you?
Him: Im fine,I guess.
Me: Im going home this afternoon, I have to go see them after  ghosting them for weeks.
Him: Mom is not happy
Me: I know, what about dad?
Him: He has given up on you  at thus point, you are a lost cause.
I chuckled
Him:Where have you been?
Me: Long story short, my girlfriend  was kidnapped,we found  her safe but she fell into a coma afterwards, so yeah it's been that hectic.
Him: Who took her? Why didn't  you say that you need help?
Me: It was one of her dad's enemy  and no I didn't need help.
Him: Bokang  what happened  to team work? Are you now doing things on your own.
Me: Man, I didnt feel like you had to be involve on this one,it was my business.
Him: What do you mean by  that? ain't your business  not my business  anymore?
Me: Bakang, I had to do this on my own, I had to be independent.
Him: So that's how its gonna be now? You gonna shut us out every time you do things on your own?
Me: Its not that deep Hle monna.
Him: To you its not, please leave now I have to go back to work.
I stood up and left.

We get to Zamo's place and we meet her outside. She is so excited to finally  meet  home.We get out of the car and she starts walking towards us.
Zamo: Hey baby girl, no time no see. [ She hugs me]
Me: Hy dear how are you?
Her: Im good now wena ?
Me: Im great, Zamo this is my twin sister Nompilo, but you can call her Hope. Hope this is  Nomzamo, but we call her Zamo.
[ Zamo gives Hope a big hug and a smile and Hope returns them]
Zamo: Its amazing to finally  see you.
Hope: Likewise, I've heard so much about you.
Zamo: I hope its all thr good things.
Hope: umhh... not so much.
We all laughed.
Zamo: come all in, everyone is here.
Me:Who is here kana?
Zamo: Its  just  Lihle, Bheki and  Sam.
Me: Where is Owami?
Zamo: You know we don't talk, did you invite her?
Me: Yes I asked her to come
She rolls her eyes
Zamo:Great, the more the merrier.
We get to the backyard where everyone is.Sam is Zamo's boyfriend. Bheki is Zamo's older brother and Lihle is Zamo's cousin.
Me: Mara Zamo, you and Owami have to work your issues out. This thing is starting to get exhausting.
Zamo: Yeah yeah whatever.Guys Gugu Is here.
Lihle turns and comes  running to hug  Me.
Her: Hey stranger,
Me: Hey baby girl, no time no see.
Her: You've been busy angithi.
Me:Ngicela ungixolele
She nodds
Zamo:Everyone this is Hope, Hope this is Sam, Bheki and Hlehle.
Hope smiles
Her: Nice to meet you all.
Lihle: Hey girl, it's great to finally see you.
Bheki: Likewise.
Sam just smiles and handshakes.
After a 2 hours
My phone  buzz and its a text from Owami telling me she's  outside.
Me: Owami is here lets go fetch her.
Zamo rolls her eyes then stands up.
Me: That doesn't help you know.
Zamo:  I know, your sister is cool.
Me: I know and I hate it.
Zamo:Hayibo,what did you expect?
Me: I dont know.
We laugh.
We get to the porche and  Owami's  range rover was there, we walked towards her.
Me: Hey you.
Zamo mumbles a Hey. I hugged Owami
Me: How are you baby girl?
Her: Im good, how are you?
Me:I'm good.
Her: Lets  go, im not gonna stay here for long, I just came to see your other half.
We started to walk towards the house.

I just landed in Maseru and now I'm driving to my parent's home. I cant stop thinking about how Bakang was mad at me earlier on.I knew he would be mad but not that mad,I guess I messed up big time and I didn't realise. If he's  that mad how about my parents, I'm sure they are fuming.
I arrive at my parents house after a few hours and I find them eating supper.
Me: Dumelang ka tlung.
They both look at me, my dad shakes his head then starts eating
Mom: So you finally decided to come home?
Me: Dumela mme, ha o sa mpotsa le marvelous o so kena tabeng.
Mom: Bokang, sa ntena wa utlwa? O seke be wa leka wa etsa nkare ha ho le tho le etsahatseng.
I sit down next to my mom then start dishing up for myself.
Me: I have alot to explain.
Dad:Whats there to explain?
Me: I met this Girl few weeks back. She then got kidnapped, then after we found her she fell  into a coma. She needed me.
Mom: So you ghost us for a 3 minutes thong.
Me: Mama, this is serious. It's different
Dad chuckles
Me: Im serious Ntate.
Dad: My love. Ha re tsamaye ha ke tlo mamela manyala  Ana
They both stand and leave me there

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