Such a amazing place

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(art credit to my friend Sam!)
(Also don't mind the bad grammar. I probably need grandma grammarly)

wow what a lovely day to get woken up by spam messages on discord. what the heck, 200 NOTIFICATIONS WHAT HAVE THEY BEEN DOING ALL NIGHT oh wait I'm still on call and I'm the only one in it. I had to fall asleep on call but whatever my phone isn't on 1% or anything.

I ring them all and they join and I ask "hey guys wanna come over again today" I think they are tired of me saying that all the time but who cares. Stan replys in "Shut up kherry" just like always 👴but it's a normal daily thing so whatever. Also I forgot to introduce us didn't I! So well I'm kherry but it's pronounced like cherry I say kherry because when it's with a K it's kool I guess but that's all a made up thing that was made up months ago. We also have Stan, Stan is gay they decline it all the time but everyone knows that they are and THEY SAID THAT THEY ARE A MILLION OF TIMES BUT THEN KEEP DECLINING A DAY LATER. (Stan If you are reading this wattpad stop being a little lier because it's to obvious like you're about me says a lot). Then we have Bella! I see Bella as my sister or twin whatever I only say twin because we have a lot in common and Bella is very kool. Runa is yes homo because yes and I swear runa has red hair not purple hair I don't know what she is saying it looks red. And then Aubrey, Aubrey is very kool and has a fanpage of me and runa? It's almost getting me scared but it's normal. Don't let Aubrey vore you at night.. Anyways that's us.

Honestly this is a great life when you live next to your best friends and get to go over to their house a lot and hang out. But something is off about today but it's such a sunny nice day what could really happy.

(I feel like there is a lot of bad grammar is this because I have no grammar)

Part 1 finished and to be continued 😱

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