I got positive

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(art credit to my friend Sam!)

No not no pregnant positive I got positive on COVID and now on have to stay home and bored so now what. I'm no idiot I will just call them I guess because safety first 🥸. Anyways I get on call and you know started to chat. "Guys I got COVID" I said in anger because this is the SECOND time. "oh" Runa and Stan said which I thought someone would say and Bella said being the sister wister "Are you ok kherry my larry 🥺" which honestly out of the story I would think she wouldn't actually say that.Aubrey was offline voring people 🤷‍♀️ .

I had to stay home
It was lonely
It was turning night
I was getting scared because my closet was open
I start seeing things
And now while I'm making this story I'm getting scared because it's night
I start to cough
My throat hurts
Then I fall asleep.

I wake up and did I really wake up? It's dark. Really dark. I look around and still no light. Oh it's just all a dream! No it was real because I pinched myself so I get up. My mom and dad aren't home just me and my sisters. Then I actually wake up to a sunny day and my mom pinching me. Is that warning me? What's happening? I have to go to school oh wait I forgot about school. Whatever kid I wish it was still a Saturday. I shower, change, and eat and go off but it was really gloomy I wonder why. While I was in first period it started raining really hard I could hear it and that is scary. It's break but it was raining cats and dogs bro so I stayed inside. Wait is this really real my mom wouldn't wake me up to go to school when I have COVID. Then I actually actually wake up realizing that all wasn't real and how do you have 2 dreams in 1 dream. Now I have to stay in for about a week. Anyways why isn't Bella responding to my text.

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