Do you hear that?

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K: Aubrey what is happening A: You always ask this I DON'T KNOW. K: 🤷‍♀️ you never know maybe you do know A: ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌ UN: These people are hiding

Btw another random person that is unknown so it will be RU:

RU: *Throws some smoke bombs* UN: They found us. Get out of here K: I'm to lazy A: *Grabs kherry and walks away* UN: WHY ARE YOU WALKING
A: Bro there is no where to go K: It smells like someone took a dumb here A: Wait something is behind us K: No the- RUN BRO

they both start running but there isn't anywhere to run anymore. The room is getting tighter and tighter. K: What are we gonna do A: OH GOSH ITS THE END

It grabs us both but because of reasons I bite it and it let's go 😊


The random unknown person took the other person that was leading our way so we were lost

K: Aubrey let's go A: just wait K: No we need to go they're gonna get us

It started getting blurry I didn't know what was happening. My vision got foggy and foggy and I ended up falling asleep.

three hours later:

I woke up but it Aubrey wasn't there but I realized none of that happened because I felt nothing when I bit that monster. I realized the smoke bomb made us think all of this. I lost Aubrey to but somehow I happen to make it so it's ok. Gosh I was lost and alone in this world of madness and no one to help me.

Bella, Stan, Runa, Aubrey

A: Hi B: AUBREY R: hi Aubrey! S: Heyy A: We got hit with a bomb and got captured but not kherry S: Because she has to tell the story all the way A: Hey don't break the fourth wall S: Whatever U: Hey B: What do you want emo kid U: SHUT UP or you're going in the whole. Anyways you guys will NEVER make it out here alive. Oh Bella you should regret your life choices. B: What do you mean U: You started it all B: Huh U: You got your friends all scared about what is happening B: What do you mean U: Sorry I'm just trying to blame you 🤷‍♀️ B: Whatever

(wowzer the chapter is done that must suck 🤷‍♀️ I was to lazy for this one 🧐)

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