I saw something

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Well almost a week done just calling them and I'm so bored. I just eat and play on my Nintendo Switch and my 3Ds I mean it isn't that bad but this feels like forever. And now I can't sleep and I probably have bad grades now because I was absent. Ew I have to go to Saturday school to wait no that's only if I have really bad grades. But I woke up and it had to be 4 am like seriously bro. I heard some noises from my window and I never felt so scared. I have to look even if I'm terrified. Maybe it's telling me something important. I look outside. I see a note. I read it (Obviously) . "We found you guys". What. WHAT DOES THAT MEAN. WHO IS GUYS. OH maybe our friend group I have to tell them bro. I don't feel sick today also which is a good thing and I'll take my COVID test. I say "Guys I found this letter on my window saying I found you guys" but Bella was awake to like finally my bro is online and she replys "I got one on my window that says I found just you" what just Bella what does that mean then Aubrey is online saying "Guys I have this note on the window with it saying I found them all" which I don't know what's up with the writer because we know you found us all like saying "I found you guys" and "I found them all" are the same thing because you found the whole chat so nothing really different. Stan isn't online or runa because I really would think Stan would just be sleeping and runa doing that loud scary snore. Let me just text my parents you know because I'm not a idiot and stuff. Of course the messages are loading like just great. Whatever I will find something out with this.

(wow 🥺 part 3 finished to be continued)

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