Roll Call

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Inside the classroom, Charlie took a seat toward the very back of the room.

She shared this class with Eddie, and he always sat toward the back. She wanted to be as close to him as possible without looking like she was trying too hard.

She found her seat and settled in at her desk after throwing her backpack to the floor. She looked to her left and saw Eddie's empty seat. It made her sad that she had gone a whole month without seeing him, and now another day apparently, since he hadn't shown up.

Ms. O'Donnell welcomed the students with a smile and had Charlie's cousin, Jenna Davidson take attendance.

Jenna was a twin to James, whom Charlie loved dearly. He went to East Hawkins High, so they weren't as close as Charlie hoped they could be, because they never got to hang out as much.

Jenna was a total self-centered attention whore and Charlie couldn't stand her. They may have been family, but they definitely hated each other. Everyone who knew them was aware of their rivalry.

When it was time to call Charlie's name, Jenna said it with an eye-roll accompanied by smirk. They basically tolerated each other, but that was it.

"Eddie Munson?" Jenna stated. "Going once...going twice..."

"Here!!!" He finally uttered as he stumbled through the door out of breath.

"Sorry I'm late, Miss O!" He said apologetically. "My van wouldn't start this morning. I'm really sorry." He looked down at the floor, avoiding eye contact with the students until he got to his seat.

"It's okay, Mr. Munson. I'm just glad you're here." Miss O'Donnell had a soft spot for Eddie, knowing how rough he had it at home.

Eddie looked over at Charlie and gave her a little wink and a smile as he settled into his seat. He always knew how to brighten her day. All it took was a flash of his pearly whites to do the trick. He thought she looked absolutely gorgeous. Just how he remembered her.


The bell rang and Charlie crammed her books into her backpack as Eddie approached her.

"Can I walk with you to the cafeteria, Blondie?" Eddie asked with a cute little smile.

"Of course you can, dork!" She instantly regretted calling him that, but the term already escaped her lips and now it was too late.

Her body felt hot all over as she looked at him. He'd only gotten cuter over summer break.

They made their way out into the hall, toward the cafeteria.

"How have your last few weeks of summer been?" She asked as they walked side by side down the bustling hallway.

"Not too bad. Not too bad at all." Eddie replied. "But if I can be totally straight with you, I was a little bored when you and Anthony went to South Bend for so long. What is there to do for a whole fucking month, anyway?" He asked out of curiosity.

"Um, well... I hung out with family that I despise for an annoying amount of time. Mom and I did a lot of shopping and I had the chance to hang out with the cousin I actually like, James. But it was mostly boring the whole time." She replied. "Oh, did you hear that Anthony found a new drug buddy. Does that make you jealous?" She smirked.

"No he didn't mention that part." He said as he nervously rubbed at the back of his neck.

"Don't worry, Eddie. He loves you more than the other guy." She smiled.

"Good to know." He let out a little chuckle.

"But, seriously, you were bored without us?" She asked.

"Yeah. Henderson's been at camp all summer, Wheeler went to California, and you guys left me here all alone." He dramatically clutched his chest.

Charlie rolled her eyes and punched him in the arm.

"Well, Anthony missed you, too." She said. "All he talked about was how much he couldn't wait to get home and talk to you about your new sadistic D&D campaign. I wish I understood half of the stuff you guys talk about."

"I'm willing to teach you how to play of you'll give me a chance." He uttered as they reached the door to the cafeteria.

"No offense, Eddie Bear, but it's really not my thing." She gave him a little grin, "It's like you're speaking a foreign language when you guys talk about it. I just can't devote that much time and energy." They both laughed as they reached the cafeteria doors.

"That's fair, Princess. It's not for everyone, I suppose." Eddie winked at her and gave her a small hug. "I'll see you in a bit, okay." Eddie thought her rosy red cheeks looked adorable. He made a lot of girls blush, but no one was cuter than Charlotte Coleman.

"Okay." She absolutely adored when he took it upon himself to hug her. She would let him hold her for hours.

Charlie smiled at him and slowly walked away. He headed to the Hellfire table and she met up with Laney at their table. As much as she wanted to sit with him, he had never officially invited her to sit with him at his designated table for misfits and nerds.

Charlie took her seat at the table she shared with Chrissy and Laney. She listened as the two cheerleaders discussed the upcoming new routine they'd both be learning.

Twenty minutes must have passed and Charlie turned around to see what all the loud commotion was, going on behind her.

Eddie was up on top of the table, screaming at Jason Carver over God knows what.

Hawkins Sweethearts: An Eddie Munson Epic (Revised Edition)Where stories live. Discover now