🔥 Bite Me

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Saturday, October 21st, 1989

It was once again spooky season in the quaint town of Hawkins, Indiana. The time of year where people dressed as ghosts and goblins, and young women could get away with dressing in barely-there costumes, for almost the entire month of October.

One of the women being Laney Epperson. It was her first Halloween away from Patrick. She was feeling herself this time around because she had finally returned to her pre-baby bod, and she had a hot new guy on her arm. A guy who worshipped her body and did things to her that might even rival Eddie Munson's bedroom etiquette.

Steve was throwing a huge Halloween bash this year at his parents' house. He no longer lived there, but his parents were conveniently out of town, so he took it upon himself to invite half of Hawkins to his incredible Halloween party at the Harrington Mansion he used to call home.

Must be nice having rich parents. At least Steve wasn't a douche. Not anymore, anyway, thanks to Nancy.

The people Steve invited in particular were his old classmates and friends from high school, as well as their significant others and friends. It was a come-one come-all type of party that Harrington knew exactly how to throw.

~Munson Palace

"Rye! Can you come here?" Eddie yelled from the bathroom, needing his little sister's help.

Riley was visiting again. Let's just face it, she basically lived with her brother and Charlie at this point.

She even had her own air mattress that Eddie bought for her to sleep on, in the living room floor.

Eddie was putting the finishing touches on his epic Halloween costume. He was so excited because he and Charlie were going as vampires this year. It was something they'd planned on doing since last year, and today was finally the day.

He only wished the baby had come early because he thought about how cute it would have been to dress her up as their cute little baby bat.

There's always next year.

And who, in their right mind, would grow tired of gazing at Eddie Munson dressed up as a hot vampire, should he do it again.

Riley walked down the hall and stepped into the bathroom where her brother was trying to strategically mark himself with realistic looking blood.

Riley was into special effects makeup. In fact, it wasn't uncommon for her to show up at Hellfire meetings fully in character.

That made Eddie proud.

"I can't seem to get the blood to look right." Eddie complained, as he handed Riley the case of fake blood.

She took the special effects makeup case and brush, and redid the fake blood trickling down his chin.

"That's a little better!" She said, as she had him look into the mirror to check her work.

"Nice, Sis!" Eddie said. "That's really good, actually." He said, impressed.

He took a moment to view what his sister had on.

"Princess Leia?" He said, chuckling.

"Yeah. What is it?" She asked.

"A few years ago, Charlie went as Princess Leia and I went as Obi-Wan." He said, smiling. "Damn. Brings back some wild memories."

"Yep! Charlie let me borrow it, actually. This was hers. Why were the memories so wild?" Riley asked.

"Because at the end of the night, I asked Charlie if she wanted to play with my light sab-" He said, and caught himself. "Nevermind. It was just a really good Halloween, that's all." He said, chuckling.

Hawkins Sweethearts: An Eddie Munson Epic (Revised Edition)Where stories live. Discover now