My Best Friend's Wedding

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"I feel like I'm gonna puke!" Laney uttered, while clutching her abdomen, tightly.

She was sitting at the large vanity, in one of the back rooms at Hawkins Community Church, where she and all of her bridesmaids were getting ready.

"And I'm not sure if it's my nerves talking, or if it's because I'm pregnant." She went on.

Charlie, her Matron of Honor, knelt down next to her, and rubbed Laney's back, as she was now bent completely over the vanity.

"Hey, you're gonna be fine! But you are a little pale." Charlie said softly in her ear. "Do you want me to get you some Sprite? And I think I have some crackers in my bag."

"Yes. That would be great, CC!" Laney said, as she was still holding back the urge to throw up.

Charlie always had little snacks on hand, for Abbie. But, sometimes her big child, Eddie, would get into her stash, leaving her empty handed.

"Hopefully my husband hasn't eaten all of my snacks!" Charlie said, as she made her way over to her bag in the corner of the room.

That got some giggles out of the other ladies.

Laney had two other bridesmaids. She had Daisy, because they'd gotten really close since they worked together, and she had her cousin, Shelly.

Riley was her junior bridesmaid, and little Abigail Munson was gonna be the flower girl, as long as she was in the mood to do her job.

She wouldn't be tossing the flowers, because she was still so young for that, but she would be carrying a rounded floral bouquet with her, while she walked down the aisle, before Laney.

She did really well at the rehearsal. Charlie was hoping she wouldn't freeze up during the actual ceremony, with all of the guests looking at her.

"Yes! Found some crackers, Lanes!" Charlie exclaimed, as she made her way back to Laney. "They're club crackers, though, but I have some other stuff, too. That okay?"

She also had a package of animal crackers and a candy bar.

"Heck, yeah!" I love club crackers. They're so buttery." Laney answered.

She quickly tore open the package and started digging in.

"At this point, I don't even care if I get crumbs all over my dress!" Laney said, with a mouthful.

They all laughed with her.

Abbie, who was playing quietly in the floor, hopped up and was standing right at Laney's side, when she saw snacks scattered along the vanity.

"I'na bite! I'na bite!" Abbie demanded, as she looked up at her Aunt and Mother.

Charlie chuckled at her, and opened a package of animal crackers.

"Lanes, if you don't care about making a mess, then Abbie doesn't care either. Right, Abbie?" Charlie giggled at her daughter.

"We can't help it, can we, Abs? When we're hungry, we're hungry!" Laney chuckled at her little niece, and grazed her cheek, softly.

That got a little giggle out of Abbie.

"But I'm starting to feel better already." Laney went on. "I don't think I've eaten enough today. I've been holding out for the reception. Girls, the menu is gonna be out of this world!"

"Really?" Riley finally chimed in, while applying her mascara.

"Oh, yeah!" Charlie answered. "She's having lobster, steak, fully loaded mashed potatoes, bacon wrapped scallops, roasted Brussels sprouts...the list goes on and on!"

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