My Last Day at Hawkins High

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Selena stood in the doorway of Charlie's room and watched as her daughter, her only child, finished getting dressed for her high school graduation. She held back the tears, knowing her girl would soon be leaving in the fall, for Notre Dame. She just wanted to take in all of these special moments before they were nothing more than old memories.

"How do I look, Mom?" Charlie asked, as she did a little spin for her, showing off her new emerald green dress.

"You're stunning, sweetheart! That dress makes your eyes look even greener. You're gonna be the most beautiful girl at graduation." She leaned forward and kissed her daughter's forehead. "Are you about ready to go?"

"Yeah. I just need to grab my cap and gown, and I'll be ready." Charlotte smiled.

Charlie was going to ride with her parents to the high school, and Eddie was going to meet her there when he got off work.


Eddie clocked out and ran home to get cleaned up for Charlie's graduation ceremony. He barely had time for a shower, but he insisted on the matter.

He hurried and got dressed in a button-down shirt and pair of dress pants. He flew out of his room and grabbed his keys off the table.

"Son, where ya' headed to?" Uncle Wayne asked as Eddie ran around the trailor like a bat out of hell.

"I've got to hurry and get to Charlie's graduation. What's up?" Eddie was scrambling around at the last minute.

"I just wanted to let ya' know, we're gonna have some company for a few days. Do you have a minute so we can talk?" Wayne said.

"Sorry, Uncle Wayne, I'm already running so late! You have to let me go. She'll kill me if I miss this." Eddie threw him a quick wave before he reached for the door and bolted out to the car.

Wayne just sighed and shook his head.


Charlie was already seated in her section of the gym, and they were going to be calling the student's names in alphabetical order. She was glad to be a Coleman, so she wouldn't have to wait too long before having her name called.

She scanned her eyes along the family seating area and was saddened when she didn't see Eddie sitting with her parents. She had a feeling he was going to miss everything, and she got a little frustrated.

The graduation had started, and Principle Higgins welcomed the graduating class of 1987. The students cheered, as this was their last day at Hawkins High.

The national anthem was sung by none other than Tammy Thompson. Charlie couldn't help but snicker when she remembered that Steve said she sang like a Muppet. After enduring her pitchy, off-key attempt, they were well into the ceremony.

Charlie looked back toward her parents and saw Eddie sitting right next to her Mom. She smiled and waved at him, and he waved back, giving her a little wink. The wink that just happens to melt her heart every damn time.

It was finally time for Charlie to walk the stage. She shook Principle Higgins' hand as she accepted her diploma, and her smile was beaming. She finally did it!


Charlie rode with Eddie on the way to her graduation party. Her parents rented out Enzo's for her family and close friends. They dined on incredible pasta dishes and enjoyed decadent desserts. Charlie's parents had her open their graduation gift to her, and it was a delicate 24-carat gold ring with tiny diamonds. She wore it on her left middle finger, and she was completely awestruck by it.

Hawkins Sweethearts: An Eddie Munson Epic (Revised Edition)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora