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: when he's secretly in love with you :
.. Jungkook as your college friend ..



Tightening the grip on my shirt I feel a shiver run
down my spine as the cool autumn breeze hits me.
It was fairly quiet around, with the exception of a few teens chatting in various corners of the library—  the few people who were trying to study were clearly distured by it, but no one really said anything to stop them.

"Hey, I bought us some coffee." My head that was resting against my hand, lifts up just enough for me to make eye contct with Jungkook.

I've been friends with Jungkook for around 8 years. Ever since we met in our highschool maths class, we became pretty much inseparable.

"How's everything coming along?" Jungkook's voice came out as a whisper, peering over my head to see my various papers and books spread out neatly.

I responded with a low hum, which came out in more of a distressed tone. My head falls back into the palm of my hand, my elbows starting getting sore from the pressure it was taking from the wooden table.
Jungkook takes note of my grumpy attitude, pulling up a chair beside me.

"Take a sip." His tatted hand slides over the cup of coffee that was nearly steaming out of the small hole the plastic lid had. "It'll wake you up."
"Thanks." I say, taking small sips of the burning hot coffee.
"They didn't have the vanilla creamer you like, sorry."

It was three days before our college finals, to say i was a bit stressed was an understatement. For the past week i've been studying like crazy— but After all this, I'm finally free. Well not really free... but free from college.
Despite me and Jungkook being here for around 6 hours, he still seemed as energetic as he did the moment we arrived; well I for one was drained of every drop of energy that was left in my body.

"Are you sure you want to keep studying?" Jungkook elbows my arm as I was writing down some extra information on some sticky notes.
"Yes, I'm sure." I go back to jotting things down, sticking them on my textbook that was nearly covered with the rianbow colored sheets.

From the corner of my eye, I see Jungkook who was barely able to focus on his work. He brings up a hand to rub his drowsy eyes, yawning in the process.

"If you're tired you can leave." I say, not looking up from my notes.
"I want to stay here with you." He insists, straightening his back and getting back to looking through his textbook

I look up at him, partly because i was flattered that he wanted to be with me but mostly because I'm almost 100% sure he wasn't reading that textbook.

I huff out a small laugh.



My arms rested against the cold stone rails of the balcony that the library had along the top floor.
Looking at the beautiful night scenery combined with the cool breeze almost made me forget about everything.
A part of me was almost dying to go back home and sleep, but another part of me wanted to keep her company while she studies.

After finishing what I told Y/n was a "quick trip to the bathroom." I read back down to the table Y/n was sitting at.

I feel the corner of my lips curve into a smile, seeing
Y/n Her arms crossed, covering her face as she slept on top of all her notes. Her textbook laying flat on the desk.

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