The beginning

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    I was waiting in a room. The room was pretty plain. It had grayish walls with a few pictures here and there. There were a few hard wooden chairs along the walls, and a small table in the middle of the room with some boring magazines on it.

  I am waiting in this room, because I was kicked out of yet another orphanage. Now the reason I keep getting kicked out of orphanages is, because of my "freakness" as they put it. I could do things others couldn't, things they considered "not normal". So, they continued to move me from orphanage to orphanage.

  As I continued to wait in silence, I suddenly heard footsteps. Then the door opened, and a woman walked in. She looked like she was about in her late 40's. "Hello, you are Hadrian right?" the woman asked. "Yes, I am Hadrian." I thought that was a stupid question, since I was the only one in here. "Well, Hadrian you have been accepted into Wool's Orphanage. Some people are going to bring you there, ok?" "Alright" The lady then walked to the door and told me to follow her.

  After walking for a few minutes, we where in another room that was painted to look like the sky. I saw 2 people in the room along with the lady and I. "They will be bringing you to Wool's Orphanage." "Alright" The 2 people told me to follow them. When we got outside I noticed it was sunny today, that is quite unusual because it is pretty much always cloudy. We got into a black car. As they drove me to the orphanage I looked out the window. As everything passed by, I started to wonder what this new orphanage will be like. I honestly hope it's better than the last one.

That's it for this chapter, I hope you enjoyed. Have a great day! Bye beautiful people ❤️

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