The New Roommate

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  I can't sleep. I had been trying to fall asleep for about an hour now. I finally decide to get up, and use this time for something more useful, rather than continuing to lay there awake. I get up and walk to one of the small cupboards, there are two cupboards in the room, one for me and one for my roommate. But sense I do not have a roommate, the other cupboard remains unused. I open my cupboard and pull out one of my books that I stole from a store.

I walk over to the small desk in the room, and begin it read. I had stole this book recently, I had not had the chance to read it.

I am extremely smart for someone my age, and that really means something sense I don't go to school. Because of being in this orphanage, I don't really get an education. In fact, I don't even go to school.

  As I continued to read, I began to get lost in thought. There is a reason I don't have a roommate. It's because people are scared of me. Because I can do things others couldn't. Whenever someone tried to bully me bad things happened. It began small, a few flying objects, lights flickering, things like that. But after I began to understand what I could do, I began to control it. Whenever someone did something bad to me, I would do something 10x worse to them. And after a few "accidents" people began to leave me alone, mostly.

  It felt good to be feared by them. To know that I was better than the pathetic excuse for a human.

  But then a noise brought me out of my thoughts. The door handle began to turn. Then the door opened..

Sorry another cliffhanger! I know I have been slow with updates, and I am very sorry. School takes a lot of time, and by the time a get home I am exhausted.

That is all, bye my beautiful people 💕

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