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    The door opens...revealing the most beautiful person I've ever seen. The boy had gorgeous green eyes and a soft face. His hair was fluffy, dark brown.

   I was lost in thought and then he spoke up. "Hello, my name is Hadrian. You must be Tom Riddle, Ms. Greta told me that I would be your roommate." "It is nice to meet you Hadrian." He smiled at me, then closed the door and walked to me. "What are you reading?" "Oh, I am reading "The Maze Runner"." "I have read that book before. It's really good, have you finished it yet?" "No, not yet." "Hm ok, well Tom, do you have any friends?" "No, no one here is worth my time. Plus everyone here acts like I'm a freak. So they ether try to bully me or just don't talk to me all together. They call me things like "monster" and "the demon child". "Why would they do that?" "Because I'm different, I can do things they cannot." "Really, like what?" "Let me show you"

   I go and pick up one of my old mathematic books that I had stole. I open the book and set it on the desk. I focus on what I want it to do, and then it starts ripping itself and folding into doves. The paper doves fly around the room and then land on the desk. I then hesitantly turn to face him.

  His face is unreadable, he just stands there staring ate as I stare at him. We just stood there until he broke the silence. "I can't believe it. I really can't believe it." I sat there dumbstruck, what was he smiling about. "What do you mean?" "Oh, sorry it's just I really can't believe it." "Believe what?" "You" "Me?" "Yes you, you are like me. You can do thing that others cannot, just like me. I never thought I would ever find someone like me." "Wait, your like me?!" "Yes, watch"  He then turns to the book and more pages rip away and fold into snakes. The doves then start to fly yet again, but this time as they fly the snakes pounced onto them. The snakes bite the doves, ripping the paper doves. The snakes let go of the doves as the doves drop from the air, withering as the fall to the ground. The snakes then slither through the air then burst into flames.

  "Wow, that was amazing Hadrian. I never thought I would find someone like me." "Me ether." I was so happy, I finally met someone like me. We continued to talk throughout the night, I found out that Hadrian was a lot like me. People treated him the same, he was extremely intelligent, he even enjoyed being feared by other children just like me. I decided that I would keep him by my side, and make sure nobody touches him. He is mine...

And that's it everybody, I hoped you enjoyed! Bye my beautiful people 💕

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