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From the underground prison,

There was a small tv,

A live telecast of curfews, and the outlook of the city was shown by the reporters.

Duncan wanted to get out of the prison and to fight Mortaleo and to save Bucharest, but the cellar wasn't having any key. But he was still trying to break the cellar by taking electrical shocks to him.

It was getting hurt. But a real warrior never gives up.


From the Underground base,

The grunt said, " The black coder is ready sir. "

Mortaleo said, " Launch it. "

The Grunt went near a supercomputer or a big computer screen and launched the project by pushing a lever on it.

A timer was set of a few minutes.

Meanwhile, a holographic representation of Mortaleo was shown all over the city, also on the TV.

Maybe a message to the people of Bucharest.

All the people from their houses and the policemen on roads were watching it.

They all got alerted.
They knew, attack can come from anywhere.

The Holographic representation of Mortaleo said,

" My dear people ot Bucharest, I'm giving you a chance to run, you have few minutes, go as far as you can, cuz your city will be soon turned into ashes, bon journey. "

The people got scared, they started to come on roads to run from the city to save their lives, the policemen were trying to control the situation.

Mortaleo came up on roads with his grunts, all the policemen targeted him, but he was having a detonator with him.

He said, " Either run or die here. "

Colton said, " You better surrender Steven. "

Steven Seiberg pressed the detonator.

As soon as he pressed that detonator, a big loud voice of siren came to be heard and the land start shaking, like the earthquake. The Road started to erupt, it developed cracks.

Mortaleo had bringed up his whole army with him. A few tankers, a cent of grunts with weapons.

Mortaleo was enjoying the scenario standing on one of the tanker and laughing evilly.

His Grunts was battling with the policemen and was shooting everyone they see on roads. The tankers was destroying the police troops and buildings.

The tankers spreaded all over the city.

The project black coder was made for the purpose of shaking up the city, developing cracks and fissures in the city core and breaking up the city.

It was like exploding nuclear weapons in deep earth.

The energy to shake up the land was getting it from a big nuclear reactor which was underground. It was the heart of the project, if one succeeds to stop it.

The project may get stopped or if some mistake is done, it may explode within range of a few miles.


All were able to see the massacre happening outside, from the TV.

When Duncan was trying to open up the cellars persisting on the electrical shocks, one of the shake wave hitted the cellars and it got freed.

Duncan : InevitableWhere stories live. Discover now