The Last Chapter

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Duncan got some new powers, his new superpowers. But what are they? Which powers he get,

He got superhuman powers, not just street level superhuman powers but they are celestial level superhuman power, simply a God.

The weakest Nomadson had now became the strongest.

He remembered his dad words from the nightmare.

" Why we fall, we fall to learn to pick ourselves. "

( Dialouge / Quote taken from the Batman triology of Christopher Nolan and Christian Bale)

He was now having superhuman strength, superhuman speed, superhuman durability, flight , manipulation of the ancestral scarab energy, and all the omnikinetic powers.

Omnikinesis is the ability to manipulate everything using all kinetic abilities that are in existence and possible to learn.

He was now as powerful as Marvel's Sentry, Hyperion, Ikaris, Odin, World War Hulk,

DC's Superman ,

Anime's Super Saiyan God Goku,

And Eternal Stories Universe 3905's Amazon and Amazon 1

Olc Sletch got something scared.

Olc Sletch said, " Get ready to vanished kid. I'm inevitable, I'm the apocalypse. "

Duncan said, " I'm Duncan Nomadson. "

Duncan got in an infinite rage that the olc Sletch attacked on earth, he attacked on olc Sletch in a rage.

It was now a battle between two omnipotent beings, one is good and the other is evil.

They both were battling using their omnipotent powers, no one can kill or defeat an omnipotent being, but only an other omnipotent being can.

Duncan was turning to be more powerful than Olc Sletch due to the Zoedran Scarab Energy,

The Olc Sletch ordered his army to attack on Duncan all together, all his space vehicles and the Zeuxtalian army.

All were attacking on Duncan all together. But Duncan didn't gave up, he speared the Olc Sletch into his own space vehicles, just like how thor does in marvel Studios Avengers Infinity War in 2018, like how he destroys the space vehicles using his storm breaker.

The olc Sletch was trying to take out the scarab, but the scarab can only be taken out by the wielders will, it means by Duncan's will.

Duncan took him towards the sky, outside the atmosphere, to give him a seismic toss like the charizard from the pokemon anime.

Duncan slammed him down to earth, on the ground after travelling the skies outside the atmosphere.

Duncan attacked him with the punches manipulating the Zoedran Scarab energy. Olc Sletch was almost dead.

As soon Duncan took out his big blade sword, the scarab energy also got possessed or manipulated in that big blade sword which was given by Master Lau of Sacred Bucharest Monastery.

He killed and defeated Olc Sletch with his sword,

As soon as he killed the Olc Sletch, his zeualtax army got vanished into air like the dust, also with his space vehicles. The Olc Sletch also got disappeared or vanished.

The Apocalypse was stopped, there was a victory of good over evil again.

There was a new sunrise of good, there was no darkness.

All praised the superhero Duncan Nomadson.

Duncan said to himself, " I'm inevitable. I'm not weak. "

He heard someone's voice from behind, it was familiar to him,

" You did it son, you proved yourself that you are the strongest, you was never the weakest, it's just your will which made you weak, but now you are inevitable, you are unstoppable, this was your purpose, and i believe in you, you will always stand by with good. Earth needs you. "

Duncan said to his dad, " Thanks dad. "
His dad disappeared.

He also remembered words of his mother,

" Always remember my son, many problems will battle you,



He saw Master Jerrick,

His Master Jerrick said, " So you did wait for the right time my son? "

Duncan said, " I did wait for the right time. "

Duncan said, " Thanks Master Jerrick. We did it. "

Jerrick said, " Yeah we did it, well the whole Bucharest is waiting for you behind. "

And he got disappeared.

Duncan saved the city of Bucharest and it's people twice in the same day.

He said to himself, " I must protect the earth, as I'm in the one of the idiot who lives in it. "

He went and met Elena, Peter and Colton.

All the people appreciated Duncan for being a savior of Bucharest.

All praised the superhero.

The Apocalypse was gone.

Next day,

The works were going on of getting the broken repaired,

Well they can't undo Emily's and codrin's death and also the Ragnarok of Zoedran, due to which Duncan lost his whole family and his kingdom, but they are still in his memories.

The People of Zoedran and the mayor decided to felicitate their superhero Duncan.

They thanked him for his help and he promised that he will always help and keep doing his work of Saviourness.

They got a statue made in the city central of Duncan,

' The Duncan of Zoedran and the Saviour of Bucharest. Thankyou. '

Elena and Duncan decided to marry each other, and they did marry the next day, Colton and Peter was also there, and few of their friends.

And in the end,

Duncan Kissed Elena.


( Duncan saved the city, cometh the hour, cometh the man, cometh Duncan,

How was it? Do tell in comments, you can also message me Or dm me.

Well there's a message regarding the next Vol.)


Duncan : InevitableDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora