Trick or Treat! «Muichirou + Shinobu»

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Shinobu takes Muichirou trick or treating! - Slightly related to 'The Child Pillar'


01/11 17:32 - Ik I'm late but I was busy eating all the sweets last night so the kids didn't get them because I couldn't go trick or treating cuz my fucking gf's gone up north :(
18:57 - Finished with 1257 words.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

As Halloween rolled around the corner, Tokitou grew more and more curious as to what the big fuss was about. The other Hashira were planning on throwing a massive party, and there would be enough alcohol to get about 100 people drunk - according to Uzui (and he probably wasn't lying.) Of course, being too young to drink, Muichirou was excluded from the party. He wouldn't lie, it did upset him a little bit, especially since he had no other friends to hang out with. Of course Obanai had suggested that he skip the party to hang out with him, but Muichirou denied that request, claiming he was fine and that he didn't want to ruin a good night for Obanai (however, it did take a lot more convincing than that.) His crow, Ginko, flew over to him and landed on his lap, snuggling in to the warmth of his big uniform. He ran his small fingers over her feathers and she sighed happily at the attention. A few butterflies reminded Muichirou of where he was. He was sitting in the Flower Estate garden. The party was supposed to be held here, but the idea was shut down quickly when Lady Shinobu said she wanted a peaceful night to herself and she didn't want to take care of a bunch of drunk adults. So yes, Kanae did get bullied by her little sister into throwing the party elsewhere. The sound of someone walking towards Muichirou became louder, until suddenly, he wasn't sitting on the ground by himself.

"What's bothering you, Tokitou-kun?" The voice was soft and calming. Shinobu only ever spoke to him that way, probably to make herself seem friendlier to him. "I don't know what the big deal is about Halloween.. Why do the other Hashira have to throw a big party that I can't be invited to, just because there's alcohol?" He said, his words as soft as Shinobu's. She gently took a lock of his hair and played with it for a bit while thinking over her answer. "I'm not quite sure. It's more of a western thing from what I've heard, but they don't celebrate with as much alcohol. I'm afraid I'm unable to answer your question then, Tokitou-kun. My apologies." She responded finally. He nodded his head gently. "I'm taking the sisters trick or treating tonight though, how about you join us?" Trick or treating? "What's that?..." Shinobu stood up quietly and brushed her uniform down, before holding a hand out to Muichirou. "I'll show you!"

Muichirou was fascinated now. Standing before him were the three Butterfly Sisters: Kiyo, Naho and Sumi. The three of them were dressed up.. rather stupidly. Kiyo was dressed up as a big yellow bumble-bee, Naho was a red ladybird and Sumi was a butterfly. Sumi was the happiest because she got to dress up as the butterfly, and to say that Kiyo and Naho were jealous was an understatement. Shinobu stood to the side smiling enthusiastically. "So.. you dress up and demand dagashi off of random strangers?" Shinobu dead-panned internally, but kept her happy smile on her face. "Well, essentially yes! But usually those 'random strangers' don't mind giving out dagashi, and they actually buy a lot for the sake of tonight! So, it's okay!" She clarified. Muichirou still stood there, slightly disorientated. "But.. do I have to dress up as a.. bug?" He said, shivering at the thought. "Of course not! You can be whatever you want! A ghost, a cat, a zombie or skeleton, whatever you wish!" She said happily. That relieved Muichirou, but only a small bit. And so, off to Shinobu's room they went. He and Kochou were roughly the same height, so any of her clothes would fit him. After rooting through her massive closet for a bit, she pulled out a white button up shirt and black hakama pants. While he went off to go change, she continued rooting through her closet to find something else. When Muichirou came back, Shinobu handed him a plain black haori, that didn't go past his waist but still had lengthy sleeves, just the way Muichirou liked it. When he had put it on, Kochou had began fastening a thin black belt around the hakama pants, with a fluffy artificial black cat tail on the back of it. And to finish the outfit off, a black headband was put on his head with matching black cat ears. Just when Muichirou thought it was over, Shinobu sat him down and all the three little Butterfly Sisters (who came out of nowhere in their creepy bug costumes) began giggling. In a second, she had whipped out a big makeup bag and smiled almost maliciously. Muichirou began reconsidering his choice.

Fortunately, it wasn't as bad as he thought. The Butterfly Sisters decided to giggle to scare him, which was also the deal with Kochou's sinister smile. Not much had changed. A small black cat nose was painted on to his nose, and 3 whiskers on each cheek, as well as some fake freckles that looked real. He also had light eye makeup, which was just some natural brown shades and a little bit of eyeliner. And finally, Shinobu had put in a half-braid into his hair, the top part on his head was braided and the rest was tied into twin tails, with the only exceptions being to two strands on either side of his face to keep him from looking 'weird' in his words. He had to admit, it wasn't as bad as he thought. "Alright then. I'll get changed and we can start then!" And so, they headed off after Shinobu changed from her uniform.

Having been the first time doing this (or remembering it), Muichirou was quite nervous. He always stood back and let the Butterfly Sisters (or should he say, the Creepy Bug Sisters) knock on the shoji of people's houses and receive dagashi from a bunch of smiling people dressed up in ugly costumes that kids would enjoy. While he did end up getting his fair share of sweets, he was still too nervous to go up by himself. He knew that it made Kochou slightly upset to see him so shy, but he couldn't help it. He was off duty and he couldn't just be mean to people because they wouldn't give him dagashi! So he hid behind the Creepy Bug Sisters and watched them enthusiastically yell at people for dagashi, while he stood back and nervously held out his little pumpkin bag. Goodness, he hoped he wasn't like those sisters as a kid. However, as the night wrapped up, he found himself in a good mood. Between the Creepy Bug Sisters and him, they had managed to acquire a bag that went up to his waist of sweets each. That was 4 large bags, filled to the brim with dagashi each. It put Tokitou in a good mood, and by the time they had arrived back at the Flower Estate, he was smiling and talking more than he was before. After creating a cute pillow fort in the dark of the infirmary, they all began to dig into the sweet food, Shinobu robbing a few from each of their bags as well. And even though she was a doctor, and Muichirou was a Hashira that needed to maintain a healthy diet, Shinobu didn't stop him from eating as much as he wanted, because that's what children do. And at the end of the day, that's what he was. A child.


Well that's the quickest I've ever written a fan fiction. I mean, it could be better but I just wanted to get this out so :'). I'm gonna work on the other requests (at some point) I swear, BUT HALLOWEEN CANNOT BE IGNORED. Also Shinobu + Muichirou and Obanai + Muichirou are like my favourite things in the whole world to write <3

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