X - " who do you think you are??? ,,

237 11 34

( tw: #physicalviolence  - mars )

THERE STOOD A group of girls Finn and Viktor wished they'd never have to see again.

Vanessa, Emily, and another one - Finn and Vik forgot her name anyways.

"if it isn't the two sluts of the school." Vanessa's annoyingly high pitched voice rang out.

"yeah, i mean you guys are just using Brady and Tristan as boy toys." the unnamed girl laughed, her and Vanessa's arms were linked.

"what?" Finn shook her head slightly - taken aback by the fact that these girls had the nerve to even say anything.

"you're just using them for fame." Vanessa spoke, as if it was the most obvious fact ever.

"no we aren't? plus, what'd we ever do to you." Viktor's accent broke the annoying laughter of Vanessa and the other girl.

"ugh, you took Brody from me!" Vanessa screeched.

Brody was Vanessa's 6th grade crush - mind you, Vik and Finn are 17, they were 13 in 6th.

"that was four years ago, Vanessa." Finn deadpanned. this was bullshit. no way this idiot was still angry about it.

"so?! you take everyone from me!" Vanessa's hand came down on Finns face. both hers and Viktor's eyes widened in shock.

"what the hell." Finns face gained a smile of pure shock.

Viktor shook her head with a shocked smile as well - telling Finn that fighting Vanessa and her stupid lap dog wasn't worth it.

"can't you just piss off for once?" Vik began, "we're just trying to enjoy our day." she finished.

lap dog girl decided that violence was always an answer. walking to Viktor and slapping her.

both 17 year olds shared a shocked expression. holy shit these girls have balls, huh?

they shared a mental conversation.

they hit first, hit back.

and so a fight ensued. Finn and Viktor gaining an upper hand.

but they won. obvious video evidence showed Vanessa and the lap dog started it, so no trouble should come their way.

boy were they wrong.

handcuffed in the back of a police car wasn't the ideal result of a day - they never even bought the shirt.

AT THE POLICE station, Finn politely asked for a cup of water. she'd had her quarrels with police before, it's best to cooperate.

"so, what's your name? full name, please." a female officer asked, a paper before her, pen clicked and ready to write.

"oh, it's Finn, Finn Cuomo. i'm seventeen and i'm five foot seven." she explained, watching the woman before her nod and write everything down.

"alright Miss Cuomo, could you please tell me what happened at the thrift store?" the officer was a kind woman, smiling often at the ginger girl.

"okay, so normally me and Viktor go thrifting once every month on the first Saturday. which is today, of course." Finn began to explain. the officer was taking notes here and there, mainly listening.

"and we found this shirt we thought was funny, so we threw in the cart. i started looking for more stuff and Viktor was texting our friend group."

"well, Vanessa and the other girl, not Emily, the other one, always have drama with us. ever since sixth grade."

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