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Heyo everyone!! I'm actually back and making content on here after literal years LMAO. I know, most of you are probably like wtf who are you again? Or OMG you're still relevant, or think that you are anyways?!

But in all seriousness, I've missed being on here and making stories for you all. Inspiration has hit and I'm excited to start writing again. I plan to start working on my Gravity Falls/Stranger Things/IT story because let's face it, I've become obsessed with Stranger Things again after the release of season 4. SO GOOD I SWEAR IT GETS BETTER EVERY SEASON.

But, update on where I am in life as of now, it's going pretty well. I'm still trying to figure out this whole adulting thing, but I'm not doing too shabby! I have some pretty cool opportunities coming up that I'm excited for and hope will work out. I've learned to keep dreaming big, and to pursue those dreams no matter how impossible or out of reach they seem! Nothing will happen unless you actually try and put forth the effort to make them a reality!

I hope all of you beautiful people have been well, and I'm very thankful for those who are new here to my account and to those who are still with me after all this time! You all are the true heroes and supporters for me <3 

Until next update (however long that may be lol but hopefully not too long!), I'll catch you all later and can't wait to get back to the old drawing board!

~ Rocky 

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