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Wow, can't believe another year has already come and gone. 2019 is here and I'm actually ready for it lol. Last year for me was actually by far one of the best years for me in my opinion. I have a lot of reasons for that too. I've met some of my truest friends last year, experienced the final Warped Tour and met Palaye Royale (a pretty LIT upcoming band), saw Panic! At the Disco and Twenty One Pilots in concert, found out my family would be traveling to New York this summer, decided that I want to go into theatre as a profession, and even found a little love... all these reasons and more have made my entire year and I'm really excited and prepared for whatever 2019 has to throw in my way. I have some great things planned for wattpad as well with some pretty cool stories and updates to come. Now I am a sappy person, and I'd love to take the chance to thank some special folks I hold dear to my heart that have impacted my year and brought me great joy. I love you all and wish you as well as everyone else a very Happy New Year!

aeviternal-ama: I am so grateful to have you in my life, and so happy that me and you became friends! Reaching out to you was definitely one of the greatest decisions I ever made. Since we met we've talked almost everyday and have created some amazing roleplays together. You're so sweet and I am undeserving of such a nice friend like you. I could seriously go on and on. I'm honored to be in your life and I can't wait to see what this year has in store for us. (I'm still totally down for that collab story ;) ! ) From our all nighter Skype calls to the ridiculous anon account antics, you'll always be the Evan to my Jared!

marshmallow_bubbles: Oh yes, my main broski! My Kleinphy supporter xD I am definitely grateful for the chance of getting to know you. Can you believe we were actually afraid of each other at a point? I'm really glad we decided to give this friendship a try, and what a beautiful crazy friendship it has become. We are literally one and the same and I love that we can rant and be emo trash together. You're definitely the Connor to my Jared and the Sincerely Three gang. Meme squad forever, and you're for sure cat Rocky's #1 fan xD I'm glad we can trust each other and be open about many things. Heere's to the new year's crazy antics! You're a special dear friend <3

Damaged_Writer18: I'm happy that we have become friends this year and that we've recently been becoming closer! You're super awesome and I enjoy talking to you very much. I cherish our little Skype fam more than anything and I can't wait for what this year brings for us! You can always count on me to be there and talk to if you ever need anything.

SmolCrazyBean: You're another important member in our little friend group and we're so lucky to have you! I'm always more than happy to be there for you, and we also have one heck of an amazing rp going! Don't stop being your amazing self fren ;)

TheShipLife7: Where to begin? You're so great, and my one and only Jeremy xD Talking to you always brightens my day and I'm very thankful to be your friend! You might have been taking a much deserved break, but not a long time goes by I don't think of you! Thank you for being apart of our squad and for bringing all of the angst and hilarity to the old anon squad (Hermy will live forever xD), and for all the inside jokes such as me being your steamy bread loaf. I'm always here to talk to and confide in, and i'm excited for what this new year brings!

GayOnStraight: Ayy another important and special person in my life. It's been fun getting to know you and have conversations with. I know we don't talk as much but my messages are always open! Especially on late nights whenever you're awake lol Thank you for being so chill and being the perfect Veronica in our squad.

KawaiiCamiAri: Hey! My CamFam! I remember clearly still the first time we really talked to each other. You were so welcoming and I felt like we really could become great friends and we have! I remember reading your amazing Be More Chill book and I'm so glad I reached out to you. Your writing skills always wow me! I love talking to you and I'll always stand up for you. I love that we continue to grow close and I hope we can grow closer still this year!

TheInsanelyCoolMS: It's been awhile since we've talked to each other, but our conversations have always been great :) I think it's awesome that you and CamFam know each other and I love you both. Thank you for messaging me first that day I was reading Cami's story xD We've all been talking ever since! You truly live up to your username :)

AmazingMichael: It's always a joy to talk to you ^~^ We have some fun conversations and it's great to talk about Warriors with you. (Hopefully I can re read them soon so we can talk more about it!) You're also one of the main folks I have roleplayed with and we've created some cool ones! I hope your new years was lit :) Thank you for being such a cool friend.

disneyintrovert: Oh wow where can I even begin? You're for sure one of my oldest friends I've made on here last year and I'm so grateful to have you in my life. You're super funny and I loved sneaking my phone out in class to message you, especially since all your messages made me smile and laughing in class was worth the risk of being caught xD Our Foof rp was literally my entire being and our collab story is so much fun to work on and I'm glad we did it! I love that despite our time zones we always find the time to talk to each other and I want you to know that I will always be there for you and I hope that we'll always be there for each other! I love you and I seriously stan us as being the best of ferns ;) especially since we get along so well. Heere's to another great year <3

noxaee: I want to thank you for being there for me during a rough patch in my life. I don't know if you remember but I certainly do! You're also an old friend I've made and I'm lucky to know you. You're awesome and I enjoy talking to you and ranting about our favorite fandoms together xD I hope we can share some more conversations this year!

Alright the sap fest has ended lol. Once again thank you so much for all of your guys' support for me throughout the years I've been here. (I can't believe it's going to be 5!) And for those of you reading this that I didn't mention, I love you all too and I wish you a wonderful new year and thank you for sticking around. 😘

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