Senior Year, Help Pls

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Oof so tomorrow I start school, the first day of senior year. I'm actually kinda afraid and low key freaking out dudes. Thus, deciding why not write a chapter? Basically it's gonna be my first year alone like ever since I've always had my sister by my side. Now she's graduated and I'm going to be all alone. Most of my friends were seniors last year so they've all graduated and my other friends are younger so we won't have any classes.

I guess I'm just afraid of being alone. I mean, I've never had many friends throughout my life and so many have drifted away, I had grown pretty used to it. I finally made a great friend group in middle school, then I moved schools and lost that and I don't know, now it just bothers me more than it used to. I can't ignore the others anymore. I feel that sense of loneliness, knowing all of these kids have best friends and I can't be apart of that because older kids aren't accepting of new people. And even the friends I have they have actual best friends already from their middle school, but mine are all left behind so I'm kinda just there y'know?

I'm just afraid that something might happen, and I won't have anyone to fall back on and just, crack under the pressure or something. You can only deal with being invisible for so long. Anyways,, sorry for going all 'woe is me' on you guys. I normally don't complain about stuff since you all don't need that.

I should try to relax, it is senior year after all. No more high school after! I can just get through my classes like I've managed to do all the years before.

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