What's a kit

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Koilvan POV

I was in the main base in my meeting room Keith had asked to look after some of the younger gardens. One of my soldiers came in and told me that Kerrie was acting differently and that his eyes had shifted that he had suggested to Keith to take a nap. That was about half an hour ago and he went to check on him when he did he went into his room and found no teeth anywhere but instead of finding a small kit .

As Keith was 24 years old he was just A infant. The soldier picked Keech up and went straight to the leader. Keith's  mind was still in between human and galran .

" Who is the young kit? Never seen him before" asked koilvan
Asked a bit surprised and concerned. " Believe it or not leader this is actually Keith I went to check on him and this is what I found. " The soldier said?

Koilvon looked at the young kit in the galrans arms. He was beyond shocked. " you're telling me this is Keith ? " The soldier just nodded his head. " I need to  call with Krolia and Relx immediately"

5 minutes later

Krolia POV

I was working on a base giving instructions of how to keep everything secure when the screen started to flick and Kol appeared. " what a nice surprise what gives you time to ring me not that I'm complaining"

" I wish this was a better social visit with you kitty but it's not"  Koilvon  said shaking his head. " somethings happened and I'm not sure how to react to this as there is only been legends and it hasn't happened in hybrids in a long time"

" what's going on why was I can you send a emergency contact I left the blade years ago when you took over so why am I been sent a message to join this call ? "Relx  said who looked like a very strong built long purple hairs Galran.

" I have a video called YouTube because this is very important as I was explaining to your daughter it is about her son... Keith has gone through eight transformation he no longer looks like his human self as you know him as. "

I just stayed at my mate and father wondering what the hell they're talking about. " why am I so small what happened to me and what is a kit?" I heard the voice and suddenly Koilvon bent down and picks up a small kit.

" kroila , sir ....to inform you....this is Keith. " Koilvan explained shocking both of us. " you're telling me that is my son are you playing some joke with me? " I asked not sounding very amused.

" is that mummy? Can I see mummy please? " Keith fast jumping up towards the screen and kroia not shocked as she saw a small child looking up at her and she knew it was her son who suddenly looked like a toddler.

" Will someone please tell me why I'm so small? " Keith asked again looking slightly impatient. " we're on our way we will be there shortly tell Keith to play with the younger ones and we will be with him soon" Relx explained.

Keith POV

" is mummy coming back now?" Keith asked with puppy eyes. " yes kit  and we will explain everything to you when they get here". I was so happy that my mummy was finally coming I felt really excited somehow how do you started to play with koilvan hair.

Soon mummy and another man showed up. They came into the room with us and I jumped off vans lap and went straight to my mummy.

" Keith is that really you?" I just looked at my mummy confused. "  of course it's me mummy who else would it be?" I asked sounding confused. " I think I might understand what's going on." Relx said " Keith's Galran DNA has becoming more dominant so he's going back to what he would've been if he was raised with the rest of the blade. Keys please 24 years old but he's only a toddler his body and mind will soon be small like you were at his age and he will grow up just like you did his human side is probably fading but might come back later on when he's older" 

"So I'm still just a child?" I said and they all nodded their heads. " wait a second that mean we send a child or a toddler into battle" said Koilvan sounding very concerned.

" to be frank his mind was an adult then his mind now is almost childlike we most likely will need to tell the other paladins about his new change because it might explain certain things I've also noticed one thing that your son is definitely hundred percent omega just like your mother" Relx explained. 

" we should head straight to earth and tell the paladins what's going on with Keith and we should do it now sooner the better" " said Koilvan

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