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The thought of death made me think about my family. We're they worried about me?
I couldn't even imagine if my sister left home and never came back.

The second I heard "sniped" everything stopped, I could think a million things per second, a million possibilities or ways to die, a millions things I wish I had the chance to tell my family. But I can't give up, I won't.

"Aspen are you alright?" Peet asked.
Time started going normally again.
"Yeah, I'm fine." I replied.
"We were saying that we need to find weapons, quickly." Thomas said.
"Fine let's do it."

We didn't sleep at all trying to find weapons. I was really tired but being alarmed didn't let me sleep.

Every time we grabbed a weapon, our vests told us it's name, it's category and damage. I decided to carry a MK seven assault rifle and and a striker pump. They were both categorized as rare and had a decent amount of damage.

I was really preoccupied on how would I use these, but I just kept telling myself to aim and pull the trigger. Easy.

The difficult part was knowing that i would never be brave enough to actually pull it.

During the night, 2 more players were eliminated.
Player 21 of thirst.
Player 11 of hypothermia

I guess most of the eliminations will be for natural causes, or I hope.
It still gets me sad to think about all the families who won't have their kids back at home.

I was sitting on the floor thinking about all this sad stuff when my vest vibrated again.
"Skill enabled" Said the speakers.
Thomas and Peet looked at me with a confusing face.
"What did you touch?" Peet asked.
"Nothing I swear." I answered.
I stand up freaked out and kind of accelerated, I was really active.
I went to go get some water out of a leaf vase Thomas made.
"God I was real thirsty." I said.
Peet and Thomas both gasped.
"What in the world did you just do?"
I was so confused, what had I done?
"That thing you just did, how did you do it?" Thomas asked.
"Guys please I did nothing." I said.
"Go get water again." Thomas ordered.
I walked to the vase and paying attention to my moves. "What the hell?" I thought.
I was so fast, moving seemed like a blur, and every time I did it, my whole suit shined.
"Skill enabled, you are super fast, Aspen." Peet said.
I was so glad, I could perfectly control it and I could already imagine scenarios of how would I use it.

I was showing off my ability when Peet's and Thomas's vests vibrated too.
"Skill enabled." said the speakers.
They both stand up a walk to the water. They were fast too.
"It's a trio ability, the three of own the same skills." I said.
"Great, I was afraid I'd get a sucky skill." Thomas said.

No one laughed.

Outlasting For Those 49Where stories live. Discover now