Chapter 6

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"So DiCaprio, why didn't you tell us that you and Noel Lane work together?" Ben says as soon as I sit down at the lunch table.

Everybody's attention was now on me, surprised expressions appearing on their faces.
Fuck you Ben.

I stared at Ben, taken aback, then realized how perfect he timed that.
I turn to Kyle, who was in-front of him, and asked "How long has he been waiting to say that?"
"All day." Kyle replied.

"Wait what?" David asks, snickering.
"Umm-" I start but am immediately interrupted.
"Wait is he serious?" Liam asks looking at me. "You and Lane work together?"
"Yeah, yeah he does but-"
"And you didn't tell me?!" Liam exclaimed.

Maybe if you stopped interrupting me I would.

"Oh my god can you let me fucking finish!" I said raising my voice.
"I didn't tell you because it just happened. Yesterday was his first day, I didn't even know he started working there until yesterday." I explained.

I heard some of them let out a light 'oh'.

Erik said nothing, he just smiled knowingly because I called him and Mo as soon as I got home to tell them.

"Well isn't that convenient." Ben said.
"What?" I asked.
"It's just a little odd that the day we," he jesters towards Kyle, "decided to order something from the restaurant you work at, it's Lane's first day on the job."

I don't know what he's trying to imply? I mean it is strange, in a "what are the odds" kinda way.
"What can I say, the universe is out to get me. And he couldn't have known I worked there, I mean he didn't even know who I was." I explain looking directly at Ben who just shrugged.

"What do you mean?" Kyle asked.

"Well, he didn't know which I was." I said smiling , looking at Liam. He smiles in return and laugh escaping his lips.
"He thought you were me?" He asks, now grinning ear to ear. I nod, taking a bite of my lunch.

I heard chuckles erupt from around the table.

I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand, swallowing the food inside, before I started. "That's not even the best part, he didn't even know we weren't the same person."

Liam's face lights up at this, "No!" He exclaimed.
"Yes." I respond.
"Oh fucking dumbass." He laughs.
"You should have seen the look on his face when he found out." I continued.

I almost feel bad for laughing, how could he have known Liam and I we're twins. He's never exactly seen the two of us in the same room together.

Obviously Seth didn't mention it to him, he probably just let him assume.
Sounds like a Seth thing to do honestly, it probably found his cluelessness as comical and adorable as we did.

No. Not adorable. I mean, maybe he thought it was adorable, I don't know. I definitely didn't. I don't know about the others, but I didn't.

"So I was right!" Nico explained clapping his hands together.
"Yep." I said.

"I wonder why Seth didn't tell him? You know save him the embarrassment." Liam asks, his voice low but still manageable to hear.

"Because Seth is a menace." I said.
"Because he's an asshole."
"Because he feeds on people's misery."
David and Andrew added.

"Well, yeah I know, all of the above, but isn't Lane his, I don't know, friend?" Liam asked again.
"Yeah, so was I but that didn't stop him from messing with me." I explained.
"Yeah Seth is a sociopath." Erik finally piped up.
"That's true. I guess." Liam said, not totally convinced.

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